20) Where nothing stays buried

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Kol called Evelyn as soon as he realized he killed Davina knowing she'd be there in an instant.

Evelyn rushed over to Kol using her new vampire speed as soon as Freya gave her, her daylight ring. "Kol" Evelyn said going to him and saw a dead Davina in his arms.

"Kol I'm so sorry" Evelyn said bending down to him. "The ancestors they made me do it" Kol said as tears fell.

"I know hey it's okay I'm here now okay I'm here" Evelyn said. Kol saw Marcel and kissed Davina's head and laid her down before he slowly got up. Evelyn saw Marcel as well and got up as well.

"What are you doing here" Marcel asked Kol. "Marcel stop it's not his fault" Evelyn said and Marcel went to Davina and slightly picked her up sobbing.

"The ancestors had a hold of me I was out of my head I never would have hurt her I tried to make it stop I made her dagger me nothing worked" Kol said and Marcel laid down Davina before getting back up and faced Kol.

Evelyn saw Marcel was about to fight Kol, so she sped Marcel to the wall.

"Marcel calm down just calm down you can blame Kol, but it isn't his fault you and I both know he would have never purposely hurt Davina now while I may be new at this vampire thing you and I both know to get to Kol you have to go through me so choose wisely" Evelyn said.

"I loved her I swear I did" Kol said and Marcel looked at Davina. "You calm now" Evelyn asked Marcel who nodded.

Evelyn knew if Marcel wanted to, he could've easily thrown her off of him, but he didn't.

Evelyn let go of Marcel and went to Kol. "This is New Orleans witch spirits can be brought back from the dead so that is exactly what we are going to do we are going to bring her back" Marcel said.


"Okay we gotta get her consecrated right now if we don't, we can't even attempt to get her back" Vincent said. "We can't consecrate her" Kol said.

"Now what are you talking about" Marcel asked. "The ancestors despise Davina if we consecrate her, she'll wake up in their domain and they will destroy her" Kol said.

"If we don't, we never see her again" Marcel said. "Okay all this fighting isn't gonna help bring Davina back" Evelyn said.

"Okay that's enough alright we all want to help her so we need to make sure she's consecrated but she's gotta be safe so we're gonna pull her into a place where she's protected than we can resurrect her and that's gonna require a lot of energy and my power is not what it used to be before I got shunned" Vincent said.

"Alright we need Freya" Marcel said. "Are you sure about that" Evelyn asked.

"You think my family's going to help Nik hates Davina, Freya will not defy him" Kol said.

"This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for your family" Marcel said. "Marcel" Evelyn said scolding him not liking how he was talking to Kol.

"Prepare her body" Marcel told Vincent. "Come with me" Marcel told Kol and Evelyn.


"This is a war please understand I despise the situation" Elijah said. "No that's the wrong answer" Kol said going to Elijah when Marcel and Evelyn held him back.

"No, no, no I know this is a war, but I've lost a lot of friends too today I need your help" Marcel said and Klaus came down.

"And you shall have it" Klaus told Marcel. "Come on Kol let's get you cleaned up" Klaus said leaving with Kol. "Thank you" Marcel told Elijah.

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