4) every mother's son

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Evelyn was with Hayley as they looked at the buffet when they saw Klaus come over. "So which restaurant's missing a compelled chef" Hayley asked.

Not that we're complaining because it looks delicious" Evelyn said.

"Certainly, a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this" Klaus said. "Hmm then I guess we have Elijah to thank" Hayley said.

"This wasn't my doing" Elijah said coming to stand next to Evelyn. "Then where did this all come from" Hayley asked.

"Only one way to find out" Evelyn said and the main dish started to move. "Well, that's not creepy" Evelyn said sarcastically. Klaus opened the lid and saw birds fly out.

"Well, I lost my appetite" Evelyn said. "What was that" Hayley asked. Klaus picked up the note and read it. "An invitation from our mother" Klaus said.


"It is times like this I'm really glad that I never knew my mother" Hayley said.

"We have enough enemies here and now the war for our home is to be fought against my own family" Klaus said.

"Your wretched mother and her disciples tried to put a carving knife through our baby's heart I will happily add to the body count and I'm sure Evie will too" Hayley said. "You'll do no such thing" Elijah said coming over.

"Esther's a master in the art of possession we know whose body she currently inhabits we must decipher her intentions before she finds a new host" Elijah said. "Like Evie" Hayley said.

"I will not let our mother processes Evelyn" Klaus told Hayley. "It's okay to like her you know pretty sure she likes you too she's just slow at times" Hayley said to Klaus.

"Well, her last invitation was an assassination attempt on all her children I think we can assume her intentions are decidedly foul" Klaus said avowing the subject.

"Well then we have this afternoon to prepare for the worst" Elijah said and left. "Bloom is off the rose I see" Klaus said and left. "Shut up" Hayley said.


"Skip the salad course let's not make this dreadful evening any longer than it needs to be" Klaus said and Hayley went towards Klaus.

"So, I guess letting Oliver live paid off he just informed me your mother has a partner in crime another witch" Hayley said. "Building alliances in her quest to destroy us I imagine" Klaus said.

"Where's Evelyn" Klaus asked. "In her room painting" Hayley said.

"Hopefully she will stay there until this dinner is over" Klaus said. "Why does she hate you so much Klaus" Hayley asked referring to Esther.

"She had six kids it's not like she doesn't have the material gene" Hayley said.

"Seven actually and I think at one time she loved us very much one died before I was born" Klaus said. "I didn't know that" Hayley said.

"Years later my brother Henrik was killed by the werewolves in our village the loss of another child pushed my mother over the edge so she used her magic to turn us into immortals I think that's when she loved us the most but it was her undoing it triggered a sequence of events that led to the reveal of her long held secret my birth father was the werewolf whose pack killed my little brother of course when Mikael found out he murdered my real father and so my mother lost her lover too" Klaus said.

"Wow no wonder she's crazy I'm out of my mind having just given away Hope I can't imagine if she'd actually died" Hayley said.

"You know my siblings used to tell each other she didn't hate us she hated herself for what we'd become I think they believed that even after she tried to kill us all" Klaus said.

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