14) the secret is out

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Evelyn woke up the next day and saw Klaus was still asleep. Evelyn slowly got up and put her clothes back on from last night.

"You trying to sneak out" Klaus asked and Evelyn turned to see Klaus awake and sat up on the bed. "No why would I sneak out" Evelyn asked.

"Then why does it look like you're sneaking out after we had sex last night" Klaus asked. "Twice" Klaus said. "Okay do you keep count of every time we have sex" Evelyn asked.

"Maybe" Klaus said. "You're a pig" Evelyn said. "A pig you slept with" Klaus said. "Okay you know what I didn't wanna wake you and I need a shower so see you downstairs" Evelyn said and left.


Evelyn and Klaus saw Rebekah who was no longer in her original body but in a witch body. "That is just not my chin Nik it was much more delicate" Rebekah said.

"The only delicate thing about you sister is your ego" Klaus said. "Placed beside the behemoth size of yours certainly" Rebekah said.

"Sometimes I wonder why I hang out with you people" Evelyn said.

"Could we dispense with this fascinating dispute for just a moment and return to the subject of our supposed long-lost sister" Elijah asked over the phone.

"Can I just say this" Evelyn asked. "Your mother sure loves making more of you" Evelyn said.

"There's not much to discuss Elijah, said she was Freya then darted off into the night" Rebekah said. "And you believed her" Elijah asked.

"I met the girl in a mystical loony bin she could be anyone telling any lie, but she did seem familiar somehow" Rebekah said. "And how is she still alive" Klaus asked.

"A question as ridiculous as it's possible solutions given this family's annoying predilection for cheating death" Klaus said. "Pretty sure if she knew she'd tell us" Evelyn said.

"She's right I don't know Nik I'm just telling you what she said" Rebekah said.

"Well did you happen to ask if by some similar miracle our aunt Dahlia lives as well" Klaus asked. "I barely had a chance to" Rebekah said.

"On the list of obvious questions, it would be nice to know if the woman who placed a curse on the first borns of this family is still breathing air" Klaus said.

"Well, let me turn back time and do it to your liking then" Rebekah said. "Enough both of you" Elijah said.

"Times like this I am glad I only have Hayley as a sister" Evelyn said.

"If she is who she says we'll find out soon enough for now it remains imperative no one learns of Hope's existence this has been our salvation thus far" Elijah said.

"Unless Hayley's husband to be starts flapping his gums perhaps I should take preventative measures and separate him from his head" Klaus said.

"I will not let you disturb my sister's wedding" Evelyn said. "Jackson will do nothing to jeopardize that wedding" Elijah said.

"Hayley's getting married" Rebekah asked and Evelyn and Klaus looked at her. "What else did I miss" Rebekah asked.


Evelyn was in her room painting when Klaus came in. "How can you paint at a time like this" Klaus asked. "It helps calm me" Evelyn said and Klaus nodded.

"You know you don't have to help with this you could get hurt" Klaus said.

"No, it's okay it's fine" Evelyn said. "Maybe you didn't hear me you could get hurt" Klaus said.

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