20) first dates

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Evelyn woke up feeling wet lips on her shoulder and she saw Klaus. "Klaus" Evelyn said. "Morning love" Klaus said.

"What are you doing" Evelyn asked sitting up.  "Well, I thought it was time we had a proper date" Klaus said. "A date" Evelyn said.

"Yes, a date, get dressed" Klaus said. "Where are we going" Evelyn asked. "You'll see" Klaus said and left the room so Evelyn could get changed.


"Klaus where are you taking me" Evelyn asked as Klaus was leading her. "Almost there" Klaus said.

(I don't own rights to picture)

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(I don't own rights to picture)

"We better be" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled at her. "Relax" Klaus said. "Don't you tell me to relax" Evelyn said. "Okay we're here" Klaus said.

(This is what I had in mind but feel free to imagine something else if you like)

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(This is what I had in mind but feel free to imagine something else if you like)

"Klaus why are we here" Evelyn asked. "It's quiet and the view is quite lovely" Klaus said and Evelyn looked. "Yeah, it is" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled at Evelyn.

"You know I never thought I would find someone in my thousand years of life as great as you are but here, we are" Klaus said.

"Just don't do anything stupid" Evelyn said. "I can't make any promises, but I can try" Klaus said. "That's all I'm asking for" Evelyn said.


"So how come you brought me here" Evelyn asked. "Figured we both could use a break from the supernatural" Klaus said.

"Okay you got a point there" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled. "You should smile more it's a good look on you" Evelyn said.

"Only if you smile more as well" Klaus said and Evelyn smiled. "There's that smile" Klaus said. "Shut up" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled.


Klaus took Evelyn back to her room after their date. "Well, that date was great for a first date and all" Evelyn said. "Glad you think so" Klaus said. "Hopefully there will be more" Evelyn said.

"You can count on it" Klaus said. "Good" Evelyn said. Klaus suddenly kissed Evelyn causing Evelyn to kiss him back.

Klaus pulled away after a moment. "How can anyone not kiss those perfect lips" Klaus asked.

"Will you shut up" Evelyn said. "And why should I" Klaus asked. "Klaus stop I mean it" Evelyn said. "Oh, before I forget I got you something" Klaus said and gave Evelyn a present.

"What is this" Evelyn asked. "Open it and see" Klaus said and Evelyn opened it smiling.

"You got me a new crossbow" Evelyn said. "To replace the one Dahlia destroyed I know how upset you were" Klaus said.

"Thank you I love it" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled. "It's no problem" Klaus said. "Well, no one has ever gotten me a crossbow so thanks" Evelyn said.

"Well, I guess I should leave you be, see you around" Klaus said and Evelyn nodded. Klaus kissed Evelyn's cheek and left while Evelyn went in her room smiling.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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