8) the other girl in New Orleans

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Aurora parked the car and got out going to the trunk. She opened the trunk and saw Evelyn in the trunk asleep.

"Aw poor dear still sleeping well you have a big day ahead of you we should get started" Aurora said going to grab Evelyn when Evelyn's eyes opened and hit Aurora going to run.

Aurora sped in front of Evelyn stopping her tracks. "That was not nice" Aurora said. "You better tell me what you want before I rip your tongue out of your head" Evelyn said.

"Cute but I'm older than you and faster" Aurora said and Evelyn sighed knowing she's right.

"Okay you and I need to have a little heart to heart conversation come along" Aurora said leading Evelyn inside.

"Get your hands off me" Evelyn said yanking free of Aurora's arm.

"What are we doing here" Evelyn asked. "I heard a rumor these men train here hoping to be made into vampires so I'm going to grant them their wish" Aurora said.

"Wait please I'm not entirely sure who you are red but if you have a problem with me whatever I could care less but let them go" Evelyn said.

"I assumed you knew who I was no matter allow me to introduce myself I am Aurora de Martel long lost love of Niklaus Mikaelson" Aurora said.

"Aurora huh I've heard of you at least I can put a name to the face although I expected a bit more" Evelyn said.

"He and I are having just a little bit of a spat at the moment now it's come to my attention that you are quite precious to him so I'm taking you and these lovely, delicious, delightful, specimens are going to provide incentive once they're in transition they'll need to feed and since you will be the only human blood available well Nik had better give me what I want" Aurora said before tossing Evelyn to the ground.

"Gentlemen come down quick, quick off you pop" Aurora said and the men made their way down while Evelyn sat up.

"Thank you hello you two come on" Aurora said and the humans surrounded around her.

"Congratulations you've all been selected to receive the highest honor bestowed upon your pitiful species" Aurora said. "Don't do this" Evelyn said.

Aurora sped to the human bit into her wrist and fed the human her blood before snapping his neck. "Next" Aurora asked.


Soon enough Aurora turned all the humans into vampires. "It's rather odd he'd date a girl like you" Aurora said. "Can't be that odd he dated you" Evelyn said. 

"Now I see why Nik likes you" Aurora said. "Nice to know cause I'm having a hard time figuring out what he saw in you" Evelyn said. 

"You know you remind me a lot of your father well biological one anyways" Aurora said.

"You know my dad" Evelyn asked. "I confess when I first heard your name, I was intrigued Nik cares for so few people, so I looked you up the internet it is such a marvel I learned all about your stories past the girl whose mother never loved her who died then came back died again and came back as a coyote all for your older sister" Aurora said.

"Hayley is it" Aurora asked tauntingly. "Are you enjoying this" Evelyn asked.

"Cause if you don't mind, I rather not remember all of that I rather focus on the present" Evelyn said.

"Maybe I'm looking for the ways in which we are alike" Aurora said. "I am nothing like you" Evelyn said. "Oh, don't be so sure about they love" Aurora told Evelyn.

"See Nik's been obsessed with me for centuries and now he's infatuated with you" Aurora said.

"What do you think the overlap is between us is it the love of danger" Aurora asked. "Stop trying to find in ways we are alike because I assure you, we are not" Evelyn said. 

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