18) The devil comes here and sighs

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"You're hovering" Freya said. "I'm supervising how else to speed up your endeavors let's see perhaps I should bring Vincent here force him to aid you by removing his legs" Klaus said.

"Sure, threaten your older sister because that always works" Evelyn said.

"Vincent doesn't know how to kill Lucien either besides if he leaves the St. James who knows what the ancestors will make him do next" Freya said and Elijah walked over to Evelyn.

"Ancestors are thoroughly occupied according to Davina terrorizing our brother Kol" Elijah said.

"Poor Kol can never get a break I can't imagine what he's going through I can't lose him again and if anything happens to him" Evelyn said when Elijah stopped her.

"Nothing will happen to Kol not again" Elijah said and Evelyn smiled. "What a surprise another day another witch inspired vendetta" Klaus said.

"Well Davina can take care of Kol for now let us focus our energies on Lucien" Elijah said.

"Finally, now you're speaking my language" Evelyn said. "How do we demolish that rodent" Elijah asked. "I'm working on it" Freya said.

"Yes, well we all have our roles to play Elijah and Evie can stay here and oversee whatever it is Freya's doing I'm going to actually accomplish something" Klaus said.

"Brother accomplishing something might" Elijah said when Klaus interrupted.

The time for talking is done" Klaus said and left. "I'll go try to stop him" Evelyn said and left.


Evelyn went after Klaus to try to stop him doing something that caused more problems. "Come on Klaus where are you" Evelyn asked herself.

"Dang vampire speed" Evelyn said. She finally saw him with Lucien and went to go to them but stopped once she saw Lucien fought off Klaus.

Evelyn saw Lucien take Klaus and quickly hid before Lucien saw her.


"Freya we are out of time" Elijah said. "The sigil is a complicated magical symbol weaponized and condensed to its most potent form if I combine the right elements we'll have a chance at stopping Lucien and if I don't" Freya said when they heard Evelyn yell.

"Hayley, Elijah, Freya" Evelyn yelled walking in. Hayley rushed to Evelyn seeing her state.

"What's wrong" Hayley asked Evelyn. "It's Klaus, Lucien has him" Evelyn said once Freya and Elijah made their way to the two sisters.

Hayley closed the door behind Evelyn. "Come on" Hayley said leading Evelyn while Elijah and Freya followed them. "Tell us what happened" Elijah said to Evelyn.

"Lucien ambushed him he knocked him around like it was nothing" Evelyn said.

"Did he bite him" Hayley asked. "No but I'm pretty sure Lucien wants Klaus alive I followed them Lucien took Klaus back to the penthouse" Evelyn said and Elijah's phone vibrated.

"Lucien is demanding my presence the whiskey cask alone and immediately he says if I delay Niklaus will die" Elijah said and left.


"You know I like this killing my boyfriend's annoying ex with my older sister" Evelyn said.

"I knew you'd say that" Hayley said. "Did you expect otherwise" Evelyn asked.

"Not at all I mean you are a Marshall blood or not" Hayley said. "And I always will be" Evelyn said and Hayley smiled.

"Come on let's show her what we're made of" Hayley said and Evelyn smiled.

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