19) No more Heartbreaks

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Evelyn woke up seeing she was still on the street. She looked at her arm remembering that Lucien bit her.

Evelyn looked around and didn't see Lucien and quickly ran to the compound. "Klaus, Klaus" Evelyn yelled. Klaus sped down and saw Evelyn.

"What is it" Klaus asked. "Something happened and you're gonna be angry but Lucien, he wants you to be angry he's trying to lure you into a trap and used me to do it" Evelyn said.

"What did he do" Klaus asked. "Please don't do anything crazy okay please" Evelyn said and Klaus grabbed Evelyn's arm and saw the wound.

"How's that possible" Klaus asked. "Turns out it's lethal to coyotes too" Evelyn told him.

"Before you lose it Klaus look at me hey look at me" Evelyn said and Klaus looked at Evelyn.

"Remember that I love you okay I always will you know that but please don't go on a suicide mission" Evelyn said. Evelyn went to pass out when Klaus caught her.

"Evelyn" Klaus said. "I had to tell you before it was too late" Evelyn said. "It's not too late no, you're not dying today so don't you dare give up on me" Klaus said and picked Evelyn up bridal style.


"Evie, Evie, hey, Evie" Hayley said and sat next to Evelyn who finally looked at her.

"Are you okay sissy" Hayley asked. "Sissy, you haven't called me that in years" Evelyn said and Hayley slightly smiled.

"I'm fine I'm a Marshall remember" Evelyn said and Klaus sat next to Evelyn. "Hold still this is going to burn" Klaus said and put a cloth on her wound.

"Ow, no kidding what is that" Evelyn asked. "It's a healing slave motherwort, white willow bark, the recipe is over 1000 years old" Freya said.

"So, the good stuff huh well besides some alcohol" Evelyn said. "It will ease the pain, dull the symptoms but it won't stop the infection" Freya said.

"Got it can someone call Kol please" Evelyn asked. "Evie" Klaus said. "Please I need him here he's my best friend" Evelyn said.

"I'll call him" Hayley said. "Thanks" Evelyn said to her. "We're gonna do everything that we can Evie I promise okay I can't lose you again" Hayley said.

"To that end a little assistance" Elijah said coming in with Vincent. "Evie I'm so sorry" Vincent said.

"You should be this is your fault" Klaus said and stood up. "It was you who turned Lucien into a beast" Klaus said.

"Klaus stop it's not his fault okay he didn't do this" Evelyn said.

"Evie's right we all need to work together to fix this" Hayley said.

"Yeah, I think I know how to fix it Lucien has always been obsessed with me he made himself like me and my bite is cured by my blood" Klaus said.

"Do you think his blood can save her" Hayley asked. "It makes sense Lucien would want that power" Elijah said.

"Allowing him to lord himself over his victims" Klaus said. "Okay so we got a working theory now we got to test it" Vincent said.

"There may be some of his blood on the street I always walk on you've seen me there a few times" Evelyn said. "Okay I've got this one Lucien's got no reason to be on the lookout for me" Vincent said and left.

"Maybe we hedge our bets, Hope is a Mikaelson witch who carries the wolf gene we already know that she has healing powers" Hayley said.

"It's worth a try" Freya said. "I'll tell Mary that I'm coming" Hayley said and left.

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