5) I hear you knocking

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"You need to go to the bayou without me" Klaus told Evelyn and Elijah. "Why" Elijah asked. "Take Hope I'll be right behind you" Klaus said. "What are you saying" Elijah asked.

"Klaus what's going on" Evelyn asked. "My daughter nearly died I have to make sure the threat to her is over" Klaus said.

"Not without me" Elijah said. "And you're crazy if you think I'm not going" Evelyn said.

"Brother Marcel loathes you most of all I need to know my child is safe you, Evie, and Hayley can assure that and Evie, I need you to go with Elijah to be safe I don't fully trust Marcel won't hurt you" Klaus said.

"I can take care of" Evelyn said when Klaus interrupted. "Evie please go with your sister and Elijah please for me" Klaus said.

"Fine" Evelyn said. Klaus gave her a kiss on the cheek and left.


"I do miss it out here" Hayley said. "Yeah, it looks like you're not alone you know we could be happy out here" Elijah said.

"Maybe you two me I need a little more adventure maybe danger something not too boring" Evelyn said. "Think you might stand out in that suit" Hayley told Elijah.

"Well, I was thinking jean shorts and flip flops" Elijah said and Evelyn looked at Elijah.

"Yeah, I can't picture you wearing that but if you do, please someone send me a picture so I can laugh" Evelyn said.

"I want to build a life with you Elijah with Hope I want us to be happy" Hayley said. "Okay why did Klaus want me to join you guys feels like I'm third wheeling" Evelyn said.

"So, we do that together" Elijah said and gave Hayley a quick kiss. "In jean shorts" Elijah said.

"Grandma Mary" Hope said giving Mary a hug. "Hello sweetheart oh my girl oh" Mary said and pulled away from the hug once she saw Hayley, Evelyn, and Hope.

"I picked you some flowers" Hope told Mary. "Honey darling why don't you run on inside I need to talk to your mama" Mary said and Hope nodded before heading inside.

Elijah, Evelyn, and Hayley walked towards Mary. "Didn't know you were bringing him" Mary said motioning to Elijah.

"Wow you can smell the hate from here" Evelyn said. "Mary come on" Hayley said.

"Vampires aren't welcome you and your sister are the exception rules of the house" Mary said. "I'll leave you three" Elijah said and left.

"Seriously" Hayley said once she and Evelyn were face to face with Mary.

"You know how I feel our kind winds up dead when they're around only allowed Evie because she was a coyote first and she's your sister yesterday we lost Lara I wake up to hear there's been some kind of a cult massacre in the woods let me guess Mikaelsons are involved" Mary said.

"That's why I'm here I wanna talk about what really caused that massacre last night" Hayley said.

"And believe me you'll want to hear what she has to say I'll go keep Elijah company" Evelyn said and left.


"This journal belonged to Mary's husband" Hayley said and gave it to Elijah while Evelyn looked at it over his shoulder.

"He filled it in the months before he died most of it is revolutionist garbage plots for an uprising but there is stuff about my parents in there" Hayley said.

"Your parents" Evelyn asked. "What does he say about them" Elijah asked.

"Ramblings about how they were traitors for dealing with vampires" Hayley said as Elijah flipped the pages.

"You can see this writing deteriorate as his thoughts do" Elijah said.

"Yeah, if you can get past the vampire hate" Evelyn said. "In the end he can't even form a coherent sentence" Hayley said and Elijah turned the page.

"Hey that looks like Hope's drawing" Evelyn said pointing at it and Elijah closed the journal.

"Elijah, Evie, I think the hollow made Mary's husband kill my parents" Hayley said.


"Growing up I never belonged anywhere not in school not in foster care" Hayley said once she senses Elijah and Evelyn behind her.

"I knew one thing though wherever I went I belonged with my sister and when she died it felt like my other half was missing" Hayley said and Evelyn smiled.

"I always thought if I could find my parents I'd finally belong somewhere" Hayley said.

"You do belong somewhere" Elijah said. "I did terrible things to find my family Elijah and when I did, they were already dead and now I find out that the same people who killed them are the ones who hurt Hope" Hayley said.

"Hey, don't go there they won't land, a hand on Hope" Evelyn said.

"Listen to me I will not let anything happen to you or your sister and I'm pretty sure Evie will kill anyone she, dare thought would hurt you" Elijah said.

"Yes, you're right" Evelyn said. "Do you understand" Elijah asked Hayley and Elijah's phone rang. Elijah quickly answered the phone seeing it was Freya. "What is it" Elijah asked.

"You need to come back to the city or Marcel is going to kill Klaus" Freya said and Elijah hung up.

Elijah looked at Hayley before vamp speeding off. "Hey, wait for me" Evelyn said and vamp sped off.


Evelyn and Elijah vamp sped to Freya once they saw her. "You rang" Evelyn said. "Need a hand" Elijah asked. "Or two" Evelyn asked and Freya took both of their hands and chanted.

Once Freya got the door open Elijah sped in and sped Marcel away. "Man, I wanted to do that" Evelyn said.

Suddenly Klaus went to Marcel and after a moment he snapped his neck.

Freya and Evelyn made their way to Klaus and Elijah when they saw a blue light with a shadow surrounding it.

"Leave my family alone" Freya said throwing a vial at it. Only for the hollow to scream and for everyone to cover their ears.

"I never wanted to kill someone or something so bad right about now" Evelyn said and the hollow disappeared.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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