3) visions

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"My memory of Lucien goes back to a time when our family was happy things were good or as good as they can be for vampires hiding in plain slight everyone in Marseilles was held in the thrall of the Count's arrogant son Tristian and his sister the lady Aurora in hindsight I could have done more to prevent what was to follow but then even an endless life cannot be played in reverse" Klaus said and told the story of how Tristian asked him to tell Aurora how he felt about her.

"Hoping to dissuade Lucien, I told him Aurora would not accept his note I thought the matter settled how could I tell him Aurora was already in love with another, but Lucien was a hopeless romantic in his desperation he sought her out" Klaus said and told the story of how Lucien found out about him and Aurora.

"And given the circumstance Lucien qualifies as both friend and foe and according to Freya's prophecy" Klaus said.

"We are to beware both friend and foe but let us not forget family Niklaus" Elijah said. "Whatever the stupid prophecy is we need to stop it" Evelyn said.

"Lucien's two out of three I say we put him down just like old times" Klaus said. "Just like old times" Elijah asked.

"Do you ever have a good idea that doesn't involve murder" Evelyn asked. "Why do you care" Klaus asked.

"You broke up with me" Klaus said and Evelyn glared at him.

"Brother, I wonder who among our family do you suppose has the greatest predilection for betrayal" Elijah said. "And don't you dare say Hayley" Evelyn said.

"Brother, Evie please" Klaus said. "Now before we murder Lucien there are certain questions that need to be answered" Elijah said moving closer to Klaus.

"Chiefly what is he doing here, and the wolf venom why would he lie to you his sire" Elijah asked.

"I'm afraid we might have to resort to something deliciously medieval here brother" Elijah said.

"We" Klaus asked. "Here we go" Evelyn said. "I take it you will lower yourself to associate with your bastard brother then" Klaus said and stood up.

"Have you finally forgiven me" Klaus asked. "I will consider it" Elijah said and Klaus smiled.

"When Hayley forgives you, Gia rises from the dead and hell freezes over for now however let's just hope your little friendship with Lucien doesn't disrupt our mission" Elijah said and left.

"What about you" Klaus asked Evelyn and Evelyn went to him. "Do you still hate me" Klaus asked. "I never hated you Klaus I was just hurt" Evelyn said. "Was as in your not" Klaus said.

"I wanna be but for some reason I can't stay mad at you not sure why that is" Evelyn said. "So do you forgive me" Klaus asked.

"I said I couldn't be mad at you if you want me to forgive you, you have to try harder than that especially if you plan on winning me back" Evelyn said.

"Winning you back does that mean that I have a chance of making you mine again" Klaus asked. "No comment" Evelyn said and left.


"Lucien come out, come out wherever you are" Klaus said. "Sure, sound like a serial killer that will make him come out" Evelyn said. "I'm afraid you missed him" Alexis said coming out.

"This must be the girl you learned about the prophecy from" Evelyn said. "Where is he" Klaus asked.

"At the police station a Detective Kinney had some questions for him" Alexis said.

"And he allowed himself to be arrested" Elijah asked. "He has nothing to hide" Alexis said.

"So said half the state everyone always has something they don't want, getting out" Evelyn said. "What's it for you" Alexis asked Evelyn.

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