1) where you left your heart

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Act IV

Family troubles and sacrifices

(Episode 1-13)


"Hope did what" Evelyn asked over the phone. "Sold her blood" Hayley said sighing. "I think she was trying to see Klaus" Hayley said.

"Where are you by the way I hear cars" Hayley asked. "Looking for Klaus" Evelyn said.

"You mean to tell me you Evelyn Mikaelson don't know where your husband is" Hayley asked. "No not for days I've been looking for him everywhere" Evelyn said.

"And I think I finally found him I gotta go tell Hope I love and miss her" Evelyn said. "I will" Hayley said, and Evelyn hung up.


"Bonjour Monsieur Gatineaux I should let you live to tell all of this, but I seem to be on a bit of a roll" Klaus said and brook the man's neck before tossing him on the ground.

Klaus smiled but when he looked up his smile disappeared seeing who it was.

Klaus was suddenly vamp sped to the wall. "I thought we were past this whole killing for no reason" Evelyn said as she was slightly choking Klaus.

"Hello love" Klaus said smiling causing Evelyn to slightly smile back. Evelyn let go of Klaus and Klaus took a seat after pushing a dead man off.

"So, when I go visit Kol you go on a killing spree" Evelyn said shaking her head.

"It's a pity I thought there'd be more of them" Klaus said.

"Trying to break your own record" Evelyn asked. "You're my wife you know me so well you tell me" Klaus said.

"You know when I married you, I knew what I was getting into but this Klaus this isn't you at least not anymore" Evelyn said.

"I'm not sure you remember who you married but this is me, love" Klaus said.

"This is the old you you're acting out Klaus just call her it won't hurt to pick up the phone and call your daughter you know my niece who I been keeping up with unlike someone I know" Evelyn said.

"Why are you avoiding her" Evelyn asked after a moment. "She's beautiful and smart so smart maybe too smart for her own good" Evelyn said.

"Like her father" Evelyn and Klaus said at the same time.

"Look you can't hurt her from picking up the phone she needs you Klaus okay she heard the same rumors we all have for the past five years that you have gone completely bonkers" Evelyn said and Klaus walked away some while Evelyn faced him.

"But spending the last five years together you only seem normal crazy to me" Evelyn said.

"High praise indeed" Klaus said and Evelyn looked around the room.

"You know two men from the family who own this building were killed at a nightclub yesterday by an alleged maniac and here I can't help but notice more bodies" Evelyn said.

"Do you want to explain to me why you're methodically picking off all the members of one family" Evelyn asked.

"Because I'm compulsive or perhaps it's just to while away the time or maybe" Klaus said and grabbed Evelyn.

"Just maybe Klaus Mikaelson has finally gone mad" Klaus said and Evelyn shoved him off.

"Or maybe you just want people to think you have this killing spree you have going on it isn't random" Evelyn said. "You have a list don't you" Evelyn asked.


"You can't be serious" Evelyn said. "I've never been more serious it's my experience that those who are wronged seek revenge and since may have long memories I'm determined to systematically annihilate each and every one of our enemies" Klaus said and Evelyn faced him.

"And the heirs of our enemies" Klaus said. "But that list is endless" Evelyn said.

"It's the only way to protect Elijah" Klaus said and Evelyn sighed. "In his current state he wouldn't know an enemy if they sat down at his piano and it passes the time" Klaus said.

"You give me a headache" Evelyn said. "Though why we are bothering with all of this I don't know" Klaus said.

"It's a historical building" Evelyn said and shoved a rag on his chest. "Clean it up now" Evelyn said.

"You can start here" Evelyn said motion to a spot and Klaus started cleaning with Evelyn.

"You may have started out playing crazy to make your enemies fear you but now I'm not so sure you're pretending this isn't right Klaus" Evelyn said. "What's going on with you" Evelyn asked.

"I find I'm no good without Elijah I mean we've been parted before but not like this, this is worse than if he were dead, I've lost my brother" Klaus said.

"You still have Hope" Evelyn said. "She's better off without me I know what it's like to be raised by a monster" Klaus said.

"Really this again do you ever find any other excuses" Evelyn asked.

"That was like 1,000 years ago really mean dad newsflash the guy's dead you killed him remember get over it stop using Mikael as an excuse to be a bad father you're better than him Klaus you are the best father I know also I know what it's like to be a kid and miss her father so get over yourself pick up the phone and call your daughter before you lose her and before she loses you and before you think you're not worth knowing I got news for you, you are trust me you are" Evelyn said. "I'll see you at home" Evelyn said and left.


Evelyn heard her phone ringing as she was heading home and quickly answered it seeing it was Klaus.

"Why do I have a feeling this is something bad" Evelyn said. "Evie it's Hayley" Klaus said. "What about Hayley" Evelyn asked.

"She's missing" Klaus said putting Evelyn in shock.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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