11) memories

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Evelyn stayed to herself that day trying not to relive her memories that haunted her to this day. No one knew about her past not event Hayley her big sister who she shared everything to.

It was too hard for her well except for one person Kol Mikaelson. He was her best friend before she died, and she couldn't help but remember the first time they met.

Sure, he was originally there to drain her of her blood, and he would have if she wasn't so good with defending herself.


Evelyn was heading back to the pack where she and her older sister Hayley Marshall were staying at when she heard a noise behind her.

She had known about the supernatural which usually made it hard for vampires to sneak up on her. Much like Hayley, Evelyn was adopted she never knew her birth father was but her mother she did know.

Her mother gave Evelyn up when she was just five years old. Her mother made her feel unworthy her whole life that she was a nothing.

She didn't matter to anyone, and she be lucky if she didn't die alone. Much like Mikael Mikaelson her mother loved her once till one day everything changed.

Evelyn never knew why her mother never loved her, but it never really bothered her that much either.

Evelyn heard someone behind her and quickly kneed him to the ground pinning him as hard as she could knowing he was most likely a vampire making sure she had a wooden stake just in case. "You're strong for a human" the vampire said.

"I've known about the supernatural since my older sister turned into a wolf I know how to kill when I need to, and I also keep a weapon on me at all times for moments like this so if you're going to drain me of my blood you better have a good shot" Evelyn said and the vampire laughed.

"You know what I'll pass" the vampire said. "Smart choice" Evelyn said.

"I'm Kol, Kol Mikaelson and I have a feeling you and I could be good friends that is if you let me go" Kol said and Evelyn let him go offering him a hand up.

"Evelyn" Evelyn said offering her hand which Kol took. "Evelyn Marshall" Evelyn said, and Kol smiled.


Evelyn smiled at that memory it was her favorite memory. From that moment one they became close no one would have believed that Kol Mikaelson had a heart until Evelyn.

No not romantic feelings but like they were soulmates in a friend's way if anything happened to Evelyn all she had to do was call Kol.

When Kol heard that Evelyn died, he was the one to convince their mother to bring her back to life after he was brought back as a witch.

No one knew about Evelyn's friendship with Kol. She never felt like she had to tell anyone. Especially since they hooked up once or twice or more.


Kol laid beside Evelyn on the bed breathing heavily. "You know most people don't have sex with their best friend once or even twice" Evelyn said.

"Well, it's a good thing we're not most people" Kol said and Evelyn laughed.

"When do you need to get back to Hayley" Kol asked and Evelyn looked at the clock. "Soon probably but I could always be late I don't have to be back on time all the time" Evelyn said.

"Besides what's life without a little danger" Evelyn asked. "And that's why you're my best friend" Kol said, and Evelyn laughed.

"Again" Kol asked. "Not like I have anywhere better to be" Evelyn said and Kol rolled on top of Evelyn kissing her neck when things once again got heated.


Evelyn heard Klaus walk in and turned to face him. "Everything okay" Evelyn asked.

"Yeah, just came to check on you" Klaus said. "I'm fine just needed a day to myself" Evelyn said. "You sure" Klaus asked. "Yeah positive" Evelyn said.

"Okay good because I wouldn't mind killing someone over you" Klaus said and Evelyn laughed.

"You know killing doesn't always have to be the answer" Evelyn said. "Says the girl who carries a crossbow everywhere" Klaus said. "Okay fair point but I promise I'm fine" Evelyn said.

"Okay well if you ever change your mind, I'm down the hall" Klaus said about to leave before Evelyn stopped him.

"Klaus" Evelyn said, and Klaus faced her. "We ever gonna talk about it" Evelyn asked. "Talk about what" Klaus asked.

"You, me, the sex" Evelyn said. "I don't see why we need to" Klaus said. "I mean it was good right" Klaus asked. "Yeah, really good okay more than good" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled.

"But we can't not talk about it, it means something you and I we have to talk about what this means I mean we slept together" Evelyn said.

"There's nothing to talk about it was a one-time thing" Klaus said and Evelyn felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest. "Yeah, right I need sleep anyways" Evelyn said and turned around.

"Evelyn" Klaus said. "Please go so I can change" Evelyn said. "Evelyn" Klaus said. "Go before I make you myself" Evelyn said and Klaus left.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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