11) A spirit here that wont be broken

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"Despite the spell I cast the very integrity of the pendent is growing unstable it won't be able to hold Elijah's soul much longer we need to find a way to resurrect him tonight or we could lose him forever" Freya said.

"Then we need to get him out of there as soon as possible" Evelyn said.

"To do that we'll need more power" Hayley said. "Let me guess a grand sacrifice" Klaus said.

"I say we kill our enemy and sacrifice her then I can channel the power from the hollow's death raise Elijah's body and place him back where he belongs" Freya said.

"If this means we get to kill the hollow then I'm in" Evelyn said. "We've tried everything" Hayley said.

"And we've come close Labonair blood is in her Achilles heel Hayley your blood weakened her, but you've technically been dead for years, so it won't be strong enough to kill her if we forge a blade using the blood of the last living Labonair" Freya said.

"We can't get Hope involved" Evelyn said. "She's already involved Hope has been obsessed with the symbol that follows the hollow the serpent consuming itself I believe this is showing us the key the only means to which she can be destroyed her own blood the hollow is one end of the Labonair bloodline Hope is the other and we need to close that loop the best way to do that is for Hayley to wield a weapon forged with Hope's blood when she stabs her it's only then the hollow can be obliterated completely" Freya said.

"Then we make it work I'll talk to Hope" Hayley said. "I'll come with" Evelyn said and left with Hayley.


"I don't want to" Hope said and Hayley bent down to her with Evelyn sitting beside Hope.

"Are you scared it's gonna hurt" Hayley asked. "I'm scared if I do this, you're gonna pick a fight and the hollow she can hurt you" Hope said.

"I know you're scared I wish we didn't have to have this conversation when I was your age I had to deal with a lot of things that I didn't wanna deal with either I didn't want that for you but here we are the thing is sometimes you have to do things that you don't wanna do because you're the only one that can do them" Hayley said.

"Like your mom" Evelyn told Hope. "Like me" Hayley said. "Okay" Hope said and offered her finger and Hayley pricked Hope's finger.


Evelyn stayed at the house with Hope. Evelyn was going to check on Hope when she stopped once she saw Kol. "Kol" Evelyn said going to him.

"Evie" Kol said smiling at her. "What are you doing here" Evelyn asked. "It's quite a story but Davina she's back she's alive" Kol said. "What that's great" Evelyn said.

"But she's linked to the hollow" Kol said. "What" Evelyn said. "I think I have an idea to unlink her, but I need Hope's help" Kol said.

"Kol" Evelyn said. "I know how it sounds but Evie please if I don't do this, she will make me choose between you and her and I can't cause I know if I do, I'll choose you" Kol said.

"Just please be careful I don't like this, but I don't want you to lose Davina again" Evelyn said. "Thank you" Kol said and left.


"If I untie this knot your girlfriend will be free from the hollow" Hope asked Kol.

"I hope so" Kol said. "And you really love her" Hope asked. "Yes, like your mom loves um" Kol said when Hope interrupted. "Uncle Elijah" Hope said.

"You are miraculously well adjusted and believe it or not you remind me a lot of your aunt Evie" Kol said.

"Who I love very much she's my best friend she ever, tell you that" Kol asked.

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