13) so much for a one time thing

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After Evelyn's conversation with her dad while she was unconscious, she stayed to herself painting away.

While Klaus and Hayley were busy, and Rebekah was trapped in an asylum.

She couldn't get what her father said off her mind. That she wasn't human but a supernatural creature.


Evelyn's phone started to ring, and she quickly answered it. "This better be good" Evelyn said.

"Is that any way to talk to your sister" Hayley asked. "Sorry I been painting" Evelyn said.

"Should've known" Hayley said and Evelyn rolled her eyes."Hey at least I didn't have sex in my little sister's bed" Evelyn said.

"That was one time" Hayley exclaimed. "And it still traumatized me" Evelyn said.

"I swear what am I gonna do with you" Hayley asked and Evelyn laughed. "We should be back soon" Hayley said.

"Okay see you soon" Evelyn said and hung up the phone.


Evelyn continued to paint when she heard someone enter the room. She looked and she saw it was Klaus. "You're back" Evelyn said.

"Seems like it" Klaus said and Evelyn continued to paint. "Your painting" Klaus said. "Whenever I can" Evelyn said. "It's lovely" Klaus said. "Thanks, I think" Evelyn said.

After a moment of silence Evelyn decided to break the silence. "We gonna talk about it" Evelyn asked.

"There's nothing to talk about I told you that" Klaus said. "Then what's with the silence" Evelyn asked. "Maybe I enjoy your company" Klaus said. "Everyone enjoys my company" Evelyn said.

"What do you want" Evelyn asked. "Can't I just admire a beautiful woman" Klaus asked. "Not likely" Evelyn said. "Okay what's your problem" Klaus asked.

"My problem you wanna know what my problem is" Evelyn asked. "Yes, I do" Klaus said.

"Fine" Evelyn said and put her paintbrush down and went towards Klaus. "My problem is you" Evelyn said. "Me" Klaus asked.

"Yes you, you act all big and bad, but I see right through you" Evelyn said. "You see right through me" Klaus asked.

"Yes, I do, and I see you acting tough on the outside, but truth is you're scared" Evelyn said.

"And what would I be so afraid of" Klaus asked. "Besides Mikael I don't know I'm not a mind reader" Evelyn said.

"You know something you're lucky your Hayley's sister or I" Klaus said. "Or what you'd kill me go ahead I been dead before and I'm not afraid to go back" Evelyn said.

"You'd go back just like that" Klaus asked. "If it gets to you to finally admit what you want then yes" Evelyn said.

"What I want you wanna know what I want" Klaus asked. "Yes, I do" Evelyn said.

"Fine" Klaus said and kissed Evelyn surprising Evelyn at first. Klaus pulled away after a minute and they looked at each other for a moment.

Klaus suddenly ripped off Evelyn's shirt with Evelyn doing the same to Klaus.

Klaus suddenly picked up Evelyn and sped her on the bed. Klaus got on top of Evelyn and kissed her neck before moving back to her lips.

Evelyn kissed Klaus back this time and things got heated for the night.


Klaus laid next to Evelyn after they slept together breathing heavily.

"So much for a one-time thing" Evelyn said. "Wanna go again" Klaus asked.

"Why not" Evelyn said, and Klaus rolled on top of Evelyn kissing her neck when things once again got heated.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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