15) old friends reunite

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"You collect trophies from all your victims" Freya asked Klaus. "Letters to their beloved ones to be specific" Elijah said. "Well, that's a little creepy" Evelyn said.

"It was a phase" Klaus said. "A phase in which we were forced to learn a different kind of stealth you see over time Niklaus's enemies grew so numerous we had no choice but to artfully withdraw from the world and then well I wouldn't exactly describe our presence in this city as discreet wouldn't you agree Niklaus" Elijah said.

"We all saw the white oak destroyed plus this city was crawling with vampires all of whom had no choice but to shield me from potential foes were into die they would die too I couldn't have been more, safe and now my sire link is undone those very foes will come for me like never before" Klaus said.

"It's only been a few days since the link was broken must you jump into crippling paranoia already" Freya asked.

"Yes please take a chill pill" Evelyn said. "That's a default setting" Elijah said.

"And with good reason" Klaus said. "Well Niklaus if it offers you any solace whatsoever we've ransacked Aya's belongings torched Aurora's hunting ground and obliterated every last splinter of the white oak" Elijah said.

"I would be mad to believe that" Klaus said. "Perhaps you should see a therapist" Elijah said.

"Maybe I'll sign you up cause if you don't relax I'm going to lose it" Evelyn said and Klaus left. "Every last splinter you sure" Freya asked.


Evelyn was painting in her room when Hayley walked in. "Been a little while since I saw you paint" Hayley said coming in.

"Yeah well we been busy with the whole prophecy and all" Evelyn said. "Yeah guess so" Hayley said.

"Hey it's okay we're going to be okay we always are" Evelyn said noticing Hayley's facial expression.

"Yeah I know" Hayley said. "Then stop worrying" Evelyn said.

"Can't help it it's what I do" Hayley said. "Then try okay" Evelyn said. "Okay" Hayley said and Evelyn smiled. Hayley smiled at her before leaving her room.


"It was him it was Gaspar Cortez" Klaus said. "I assume this is someone from your box of letters" Freya said.

"The youngest son of a particularly vile family of warlords I dealt with in the 17th century" Klaus said. "And I'm guessing he's not too happy" Evelyn said.

"Didn't they burn that Philistine pigsty to the ground" Elijah asked. "Pigsty" Klaus asked.

"Belaga was my favorite artist's retreat someone had to pay for that so I murdered Gaspar's brute of a father" Klaus said.

"And" Freya said. "And one or two" Klaus said. "Five" Elijah said. "Five of his bloodthirsty brothers" Klaus said. "Don't forget the mistress" Elijah said. "That was an accident" Klaus said.

"Okay can we move on from this please" Evelyn asked. "The point is that Gaspar was but a footnote" Elijah said.

"Until he became a vampire bent on hunting me, he's a cunning deviant, known to compel hordes of the helpless to aid him with his tasks you see this is exactly what I was concerned about devils of all kinds crawling out of their crevices to strike at me" Klaus said when suddenly he heard footsteps.

"Now what" Evelyn asked. "Speaking of which" Klaus said and sped downstairs pinning Davina to the wall.

"Rather foolish rod you to come here alone" Klaus said. Klaus suddenly was thrown off of Davina. "She didn't come alone brother" Kol said making his appearance known.

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