23) sacrifices

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"Elijah" Evelyn said looking for Elijah and then she saw him and went to him she took the weapon that was inside of him out. Elijah gasped awake and looked at Evelyn.

"Elijah listen to me okay I need you to listen to me" Evelyn said remembering what Klaus told her before she went unconscious.

"Klaus got in my head he spoke to me this all of this all of what he's doing is a trick" Evelyn said.

"Have you lost your mind" Elijah asked. "He has lost his mind" Elijah said.

"He needs her to trust him okay so he can do what he needs to do he had to make it convincing" Evelyn said.

"To, to what possible end" Elijah asked. "He told me her secret I know how we can kill Dahlia" Evelyn said.


"So now that you have healed what do you mean Niklaus had a plan" Elijah asked.

"We had a plan" Elijah yelled. "A plan he has mercilessly destroyed" Elijah said.

"And it wouldn't have worked Elijah when Klaus got into my head, he said your plan would fail so he had to enact one of his own" Evelyn said. "And what might that be" Elijah asked.

"He has to get her to link to him" Evelyn said. "My brother wishes to bind himself to our enemy she'll be virtually indestructible" Elijah said.

"He said I had to convince you that everything he had to do, he had to do alone we had the wrong ingredients to kill Dahlia all along and he has to buy time before he finds the right ones" Evelyn said. "How" Elijah asked.


"I am sorry about Gia" Evelyn said. "Are you" Elijah asked.

"Don't get snappy I know you cared about her I'm not saying what Klaus did is right of course it's not right I'm just trying to help you" Evelyn said.

"I may have not known Klaus long but from what I seen I know he will do whatever he has to do for Hope" Evelyn said. "Klaus will do whatever he has to do for Klaus" Elijah yelled.

"And Hayley is not answering her phone" Elijah said. "Now what has he done" Elijah asked.

"Don't blame the messenger and easy she's still Hayley's sister" Rebekah said making her presence known and Evelyn and Elijah looked seeing Rebekah in her original body.

"Rebekah" Elijah said. "Looks like Niklaus had a lot on his to do list last night as for Hayley" Rebekah said and looked at Evelyn.

"What is it" Elijah asked. "What about my sister what did he do" Evelyn asked and no one said anything. "Tell me" Evelyn said.

"When Klaus attacked me, he stole the spell that I used on the crescent wolves" Marcel said.

"No" Evelyn said realizing what he done as tears fell on her face. "So, he would condemn her to the body of a beast" Elijah said. "Elijah listen to me" Rebekah said going to him.

"Hayley will be human once a month we will find her, and we will help her" Rebekah said. "No" Elijah said.

"We need to focus on those who need saving today Hayley will never forgive us if Dahlia got her hands on Evie" Rebekah told Elijah.

"Freya called, Dahlia is incapacitated they are two hours north at an orchard near Pearl River she has Hope" Rebekah said and Elijah sped away.

Rebekah looked at Evelyn seeing she was about to break down and went to her pulling her in a hug.

"It's okay I got you" Rebekah said. "I just got her back, and I lost her again" Evelyn said crying as Rebekah rubbed her back.


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