21) the new plan

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To say Evelyn was mad that Rebekah, Elijah, and Freya daggered Klaus would be an understatement she was furious.

She didn't trust Freya one bit and they still chose her over him after believing he killed Aiden refusing to hear his side and automatically say he's a killer.

No one allowed Evelyn to see Klaus as they were afraid, she would pull out the dagger. And if she could get in the room, she would but the room was locked to keep Evelyn out.

Evelyn was with Elijah and Freya and Elijah just told the news about Hayley and Hope

Hayley is gone we need to get her and the baby back here immediately" Freya said. "Or they can still where they are where it's safe which is away from you" Evelyn said.

"Evie" Elijah said. "Don't you worry I'm mad at you too" Evelyn said.

"When Dahlia has been defeated now, they are safe" Elijah said going back to the previous conversation. "Nowhere is safe from Dahila and we will have no chance of ending her without the baby and Evelyn" Freya said.

"Excuse you do you want me to die" Evelyn asked. "What are you saying" Elijah asked.

"Dahlia is protected by a powerful magic we have collected items that represent her vulnerabilities sacred soil, the ash of a fallen Viking, and the blood of the witch who broke her heart" Freya said.

"Yours" Elijah said. "Yes" Freya said. "Well, this better work but I'm still mad at you all and believe me if you don't release Klaus soon, well you better pray I don't kill you" Evelyn said.

"I will use these ingredients to create a killing ground where Dahlia will be rendered mortal, but we need to lure her there Elijah" Freya said.

"Are you suggesting that not only I position my niece as bait but Hayley's baby sister as bait" Elijah asked and Freya stayed silent.

"I'll take that as a yes" Evelyn said. "Oh, how wonderfully convenient to offer this strategy when Niklaus has been removed" Elijah said. "Klaus could not be reasoned with" Freya said

"You can't honestly believe that I'll allow you to do this" Elijah said.

"What I believe is that will make the right choice for Hope and Evelyn there is no other way to keep her from the miserable existence I endured one of slavery under a tyrant" Freya said.

"Of course, if Dahila does die you will be free of that tyranny no more running no more hiding do not insult my intelligence by painting your actions as selfless" Elijah said.

"And if you use Hope as bait, I'll kill you I've always wanted to kill a witch" Evelyn said.

"If you will not bring Hayley back here, I will find Hope myself as I said there is no other way" Freya said. "You're working my last nerve" Evelyn said.


Evelyn was painting when Elijah walked in. "What" Evelyn said. "Evie" Elijah said.

"Don't Evie me I get that you're trying to protect Hope but that's her father Elijah and don't you dare try to say anything about my feelings for your brother because I will kill you and then I'll kill Freya" Evelyn said.

"He killed Aiden" Elijah said. "If you really believe that then you're an idiot and you're not who I thought you were" Evelyn said.

"Evie" Elijah said. "Leave I'll join you to see Hayley when it's time go but now leave before I kill you" Evelyn said.

"Before you do I need your blood" Elijah said holding a vial. Evelyn held out her arm and Elijah hesitated.

"You gonna bit me or" Evelyn asked and Elijah bit her arm using his fangs dripping the blood in the vial and gave her a handkerchief. "Thank you" Elijah said and left.

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