11) till the day i die

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"You didn't have to come" Hope said once she realized Evelyn and Klaus were behind her. "Well, I wanted to make sure you were alright" Klaus said.

"And plus, we wanted to so deal with it" Evelyn said.

"I don't know why we leave flowers it doesn't do them any good it's not much of an apology for killing someone" Hope said.

"Unintentionally you rid the city of those vermin you have nothing to apologize for" Klaus said.

"Don't make it sound so noble" Hope said and faced Klaus and Evelyn.

"Yeah, yeah I killed a few bad guys, but it was as much to get the magic out of me as anything else besides it's not like it lasted more than a few hours" Hope said.

"Hope we are going to figure this out" Evelyn said. "Well at least he gets his revenge next week when the full moon comes" Hope said and Klaus went closer to her.

"Hope however much you dread your first transformation once you go through it, you're gonna feel better" Klaus said.

"I don't know if I dread it or if I wish that I could just turn and never turn back mom said that after the pain it's one of the best feelings in the world I just can't believe I have to do this without her" Hope said.

"I know no one can replace your mom but I do want to help" Klaus said. "I know but I need to be alone" Hope said and turns back around.

"As you wish" Klaus said. "Take as long as you need" Evelyn said and left with Klaus.


Klaus knocked on the door and Kol answered seeing Evelyn and Klaus. "Hey Kol" Evelyn said smiling at him.

"Evie my best friend it is lovely to see you" Kol said to her smiling. "Hello brother" Klaus said.

"Well, that's a suspiciously warm greeting" Kol said. "Paranoid as usual I see well don't worry it's not you, I'm looking for" Klaus said.

"Well then it must be important if you're asking me for a favor" Davina said walking in the room.

"I'm in mourning if you even care" Davina said and Klaus walked in with Evelyn behind him.

"I'm sorry but it's about Hope the dark within her has had some peculiar side effects she's got these dark lines like poisoned veins running up her arms today I noticed a new line on the back of her neck I just need to know what it means" Klaus said.

"Just anything that can help" Evelyn said. "And by the way sorry about Josh, Davina" Evelyn said to Davina. "Thanks Evie" Davina said and slightly smiled at her.


"I never could get her to send those out" Evelyn said going to Elijah. "You knew about these" Elijah asked. "Yeah, it was her way of moving on I guess" Evelyn said.

"Did she tell you she came to see me" Elijah asked. "No, I just knew she wrote letters" Evelyn said.

"I once considered mailing them out for her, but she told me it was better that she didn't" Evelyn said after a moment.

"Oh, by the way I know you're having a hard time, but you don't want to miss your sister's wedding okay you'll regret it" Evelyn said.

"You are truly Hayley's sister no one would be able to guess you have different parents" Elijah said. "Runs in the family" Evelyn said shrugging.

"See you at the wedding and you better be there I still have my crossbow around here somewhere don't make me use it" Evelyn said and left.


Klaus saw Rebekah and Evelyn and they went to him. "Rebekah, Evie" Klaus said.

"Evie spoke to Kol, Davina says that the dark magic is destroying Hope from the inside out" Rebekah said.

"It's only a matter of time before it kills her" Evelyn added.

"So how do we stop it" Klaus asked. "There's nothing we can do" Rebekah's said. "How long" Klaus asked.

"Weeks, days maybe hours there's no way to know" Rebekah said. "Only time will tell" Evelyn said.


After the wedding Evelyn saw Kol and went to him. "Hey" Evelyn said, and Kol faced her. "Nice ceremony" Evelyn said. "Really you think" Kol asked.

"I wouldn't expect anything less than what happened today" Evelyn said laughing. "So, there's something I want to tell you" Evelyn said.

"Okay what is it" Kol asked. "So, Klaus and I been talking and as you well know Klaus and I never had a wedding it just didn't make sense with the whole hollow split thing but now that everyone is back together, we were thinking that we'd like to have a wedding of our own now that the family is back together again" Evelyn said.

"And I was wondering when that happened will you walk me down the aisle" Evelyn asked.

"Of course, I will" Kol said and hugged Evelyn. Evelyn pulled away and smiled at Kol. "What would I do without you" Evelyn asked.

"Actually, it's more of what I would do without you look I know Davina is the love of my life but Evie if I ever lost you, I'm not sure I'd survive" Kol said and Evelyn smiled. "Same here" Evelyn said.

"When were you thinking about having the wedding" Kol asked.

"I'm not sure right now all that matters is saving Hope but hopefully soon" Evelyn said.

They both looked over when they saw Keelin catch Hope and rushed to them. "Is she alright" Klaus asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" Hope said. "Yeah, my medical diagnosis is too much champagne" Keelin said.

"Oh yeah speaking of I would like to make a toast this has been the best day ever and you know what you guys got 1000 years of moments like this one and being a part of this one really made me feel like I'm part of always and forever too so cheers" Hope said smiling. "Cheers" everyone said and took a drink.


"She's going to be okay we'll figure something out just like we always do" Evelyn said laying on Klaus's chest knowing he was worried.

Klaus looked at her smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I know I just I can't lose her" Klaus said. "I know and no parent should see their child die but I promise we will fix this there's always another way" Evelyn said.

Klaus smiled at her and kissed her. Evelyn kissed back and soon Klaus moved on top of her without breaking the kiss and things got heated for the night.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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