13) heart shaped box

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"I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast" Freya said walking in with Elijah and Evelyn. "Niklaus for heaven's sake release the poor creature" Elijah said and Klaus let him go.

"That's not what I meant" Elijah said. "Not even close" Evelyn said. "He'll live and he'll remember to do better" Klaus said.

"Is all this torture necessary" Freya asked. "Probably not but it is fun" Evelyn said. "Where have you been" Klaus asked Marcel who just walked in.

"I was making sure that the strix and their witches were out trying to find your loony ex-girlfriend" Marcel said.

"Oh yeah the girl who tried to kill me if I get the chance to kill her, I'm taking it" Evelyn said.

"Is that okay by you" Marcel started to ask when Elijah interrupted. "Gentlemen please" Elijah said.

"All of our heads are on the chopping block because he lost the one thing that can kill an original" Marcel said. "It's not like he planned it" Evelyn said.

"It's not his fault that Vincent was waving the white oak around like a kite or that Aurora made a deal with one of your witches" Freya told Marcel.

"Oh yeah it is" Marcel said. "I'm quite capable of defending myself thank you Freya" Klaus said.

"Stop being a baby she was just trying to help your majesty" Evelyn said and Klaus glared at Evelyn who glared back.

"What I cannot do is cast a spell to find Aurora in that respect we're alike" Klaus said.

"Aurora is cloaked most likely by the very witch she killed I have been working nonstop every day" Freya said. "Well, you've stopped now haven't you" Klaus asked.

"Well go on, on your way" Klaus said and Evelyn went to him and threw him. "Be nice she's your sister and if she wanted to, she could boil your brain" Evelyn said.

Klaus stood up and went back to Evelyn. "Do you talk to our other sister like this" Freya asked.

"Didn't think so" Freya said once Klaus stayed silent and left. "Freya" Elijah said. "What do we know about this traitor in the strix coven" Elijah asked.

"Nothing no one knows how Aurora got to her no one knows where Aurora is our coven hit the same cloaking spell as Freya" Marcel said.

"Your coven making yourself quite comfortable with the strix aren't you" Klaus asked. "Klaus stop please" Evelyn said. "Yeah, yeah to help you" Marcel said.

"Any other news from your new bffs you'd like to make us aware of" Klaus asked. "Niklaus why don't we resolve any malevolent intentions for ex-girlfriends" Elijah said.


Evelyn was in her room when Klaus walked in. "Unless you want to be punched in the face don't come any closer" Evelyn said.

"Evie" Klaus said, and Evelyn faced him. "Don't you Evie me she's your sister Klaus your sister" Evelyn said. "I know" Klaus said.

"You sure have a funny way of showing it she is working the best she can and you screaming at her isn't helping" Evelyn said. "Evie" Klaus said.

"No Klaus no I get your stressed but guess what we all are and the one person I want to talk to the most in the entire world about this who usually knows what to say to calm me down is dead so I'm going to go on a run" Evelyn said.

"Evie" Klaus said. "No" Evelyn said and quickly left with a bag of clothes.


Evelyn was in her coyote form going on a run when she saw Hayley and walked up to her.

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