17) behind the black horizon

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"Just how am I the loophole" Finn asked after Kol told him, Elijah, and Evelyn about Freya being taken and telling them what Vincent told him and Davina discovering that Finn is the loophole.

"Last year when Esther first brought us back, I got put in the body of a gormless twit, but you got housed in one of the most powerful witch bodies in the city Vincent's and even after all this time there's still an echo of a body soul connection between you two" Kol said.

"And Davina that's where you come into play, I need a powerful witch that's off the ancestor's radar I want you to find the thread between me and Finn" Vincent said on the video.

"Have you ever done anything like this" Elijah asked Davina.

"I don't even know if it's possible, but I do have Vincent's blood if I can take Finn's blood and do the spell right, I should be able to track Vincent down" Davina said.

"I never liked Lucien, and this just makes it worse" Evelyn said.

"I should have sensed something was wrong when Freya didn't call now Lucien has a head start" Finn said.

"And if we don't do something about it, Freya could die" Evelyn said. "Go, witch, tend to your spells I won't rest until she's found" Finn told Davina.

"Behold the selfless martyr first he wants to rip Davina's head off for trapping him in his body now he can't wait to be spelled" Kol said.

"Finn you and I shall go together Kol you stay here with Davina" Elijah said.

"You're going with him" Kol asked. "So, the two people responsible for not destroying the white oak when they had the chance thus putting us in this bloody mess and they're off to try and fix it that's just marvelous I mean what could possibly go wrong" Kol said.

"Kol hey it's okay I'll go with them okay it's okay" Evelyn said. "Great now my best friend the only one who was ever really there for me is going to her possible doom" Kol said.

"Kol I'll be okay Elijah will be there he will keep me safe and besides nothing is going to happen to me" Evelyn said.

"Kol look at me" Davina said and Kol looked at Davina. "I don't know this magic I need your help come on let's go" Davina said and left with Kol.

"Let us begin" Elijah told Finn. "Do not give me orders and make no mistake I do not look to you as an ally or even family the only reason I tolerate your presence is the hope of finding Freya" Finn said.

"Yeah, we get it you hate your family except precious Freya but we're wasting time so get on with it" Evelyn said.


"Of course, Mystic Falls birthplace of all our sorrows" Finn said. "Also, the place Kol and I met" Evelyn said.

"So are we to drive around this entire pathetic town hoping to run into my sister before Lucien murders her" Finn asked. "Kol has a plan" Elijah said. "Kol and his ridiculous gambits" Finn said.

"900 years in a box zero patience" Elijah said. "It's all a joke to you isn't it" Finn asked Elijah.

"900 years in a box just rolls off your tongue as if the time passed without consequence, I ensure you it did not" Finn said.

"What are you suggesting" Elijah asked. "We never experienced anything least of all the passage of time" Elijah said.

"Being daggered for decades and being daggered for centuries are very different things it starts off as a dim pinprick of light growing brighter year after year a slow consciousness that I was paralyzed entombed in my own mind that despair utter loneliness all amplified and made endless" Finn said.

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