6) bag of cobras

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"We were heading out and now we're throwing a party I see" Hayley said walking in with Evelyn.

"I'm not unpacking you can do that" Evelyn told Klaus. "Especially if you want to continue to have sex" Evelyn said.

"One that will be attended by New Orleans most influential creatures" Klaus said. "You do realize that everyone hates you" Hayley said. "If anyone shows up it's to try to kill you" Evelyn said.

"But they love Marcel and as the invite states he is the cohost tonight we celebrate our truce" Klaus said.

"So, you're throwing a fake party in honor of a fake truce and your guest of honor is in a dungeon" Hayley said.

"Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters besides I'll have my hands full weeding out those in league with the hollow" Klaus said.

"Have fun with that" Hayley said. "Yeah, good luck I'm gonna sit this one out" Evelyn said.

"Hope's, with Mary I'm just looking for Freya" Hayley said. "What do you need of her" Klaus asked. "Just a favor" Hayley said.


"I like her for what it's worth" Hayley said. "All the same I should have told you she was still here I'm sorry I didn't" Freya said. "There is one way you can make up for it" Evelyn said.

"By doing me a favor" Hayley added. "I learned about the man who killed my parents he was connected to the hollow I was just a baby when they were killed, I don't remember it, but I do know where they were killed, I was hoping maybe worth your spells and your witchcraft" Hayley said to Freya.

"You want me to do a reading Hayley violent death has a very specific energy I could conjure up whatever there is to see but you might not like it" Freya said. "I don't think I have a choice" Hayley said.


Hayley, Freya, and Evelyn arrived at the place where Hayley's parents were killed, and they walked into the building.

"Are you positive this will work" Hayley asked. "I can feel the energy it was trapped in here when your parents died so yeah it will work" Freya said.

"Hayley are you sure about this" Evelyn asked. "I always wondered what my parents might have been like what they might have thought of me missing these people I never even knew but if this can help us fight the thing that came after my daughter then let's get it over and done with" Hayley said. "That's the spirit I guess" Evelyn said.

After Freya had everything set, she looked at Hayley. "You ready" Freya asked her and Hayley nodded.

Hayley and Freya joined hands and Freya chanted. After a few moments Hayley gasped causing Freya to stop. "Hayley are you okay Hayley" Evelyn asked.

Hayley didn't answer and pulled away from Freya and punched down in the floor away from them and grabbed a key pulling it out.


"This is the one" Hayley said. Hayley went to unlock it and tried to open it but couldn't.

Evelyn went to help her, but the door wouldn't budge. Freya put her hand on the door feeling the magic. "It's been sealed with a spell" Freya said.

Freya unspelled the door and Hayley opened it with Freya. Evelyn, Hayley, and Freya all went in the building, and they all looked around. "I think I need to do this part alone" Hayley said.

"Call us if you need us" Evelyn said leaving with Freya.


Evelyn made it to the party just in time to see Elijah kill one of the hollows followers.

Klaus saw Evelyn and went to her. "You made it you look stunning" Klaus said. "I made it" Evelyn said smiling. "Did I miss anything" Evelyn asked.

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"Not much I'll fill you in later" Klaus said. "Then is it too late to ask for a dance from my boyfriend" Evelyn asked. "No not at all" Klaus said and took her hand.

Evelyn smiled as he led her to the dance floor, and they danced together.


"Did you retrieve all of the weapons" Elijah asked. "Well, I don't know let's confirm with Dominic shall we" Klaus said and Evelyn rolled her eyes.

"Oh, wait we can't his corpse is currently burning in a dumpster" Klaus said and got up from the floor.

"I try to avoid bloodshed you become the town executioner" Klaus said. "Let me handle this" Elijah said. "And why exactly should I do that" Klaus asked.

"Hope" Elijah said. "Klaus, he's doing it, so you don't have to you have Hope to worry about" Evelyn said.

"You see it's precisely because of her that I have to assert my involvement, so brother tell me what you know" Klaus said making his way to Elijah with Evelyn.

"This thing wants to be reborn this morning Vincent said that whenever it resurfaces it does so in four distinct locations I can't tell why" Elijah said and Hayley walked in.

"It's looking for something four things by the sound of it and I'm pretty sure that I have one of them" Hayley said making her way to Klaus, Elijah, and Evelyn.

"What would the hollow want with that" Evelyn asked.

"My parents were killed protecting this from one of the hollow's followers" Hayley said.

"We've seen this time and time again when a witch wishes to be reborn its remains are required to complete the spell you've just found a piece of our enemy" Klaus said.

"Lucky me who has the other three" Hayley asked. "Dominic" Elijah said. "Oh, that's just lovely" Evelyn said sarcastically.

"Dominic said that he had found something here" Elijah said. "So, what there's just like a bag of bones laying around that I didn't know about" Hayley asked.

"No but there is one" Klaus said and left causing Hayley, Evelyn, and Elijah to follow him.

"Dominic's death was a distraction" Klaus said after seeing nothing was in the safe. "They used our own deception against us" Elijah said.

"This thing had followers everywhere they've infiltrated the entire city if they get to the other bones before we do" Hayley said.

"Then they will try to raise this monstrosity and it will come for us all" Klaus said. "And just when we thought we had a break" Evelyn said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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