5) dont it just break your heart

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"Rise and shine night walking nation if it was your aim to get my attention then I must say you've been wildly successful" Klaus said walking in with Evelyn.

"I'm now singularly focused on your impending suffering and to whomever sent this coin" Klaus said showing the coin. "And took my daughter's mother" Klaus said and broke a chair.

"It's time to show your face" Klaus said. "Ready love" Klaus asked Evelyn.

"Thought you'd never ask" Evelyn said and they killed a couple vampires. When one tried to get away Marcel vamp sped in and knocked him down.

"Don't look to me for help y'all lost your chance to trade loyalty for protection" Marcel said and Klaus dragged a vampire to the curtains.

"This would mark your very last opportunity to confess" Klaus said. "Look I don't know anything" he said.

"Thats a pity for you then" Klaus said and opened the curtains killing the vampire. "It's me you're looking for Greta said taking the coin. "Perhaps we should talk" Greta said.

"You, I knew something was off with you the second I laid eyes on you" Evelyn said.


"You know for someone who organized this little summit you're woefully short on details so I'm going to ask you one last time" Klaus said.

"Where are you keeping Hayley" Klaus asked and when she didn't answer he vamp sped her to sit down and stabbed her in the hand.

"You knew we'd have this little chat no doubt you binged on vervain til your throat was red and raw and now sadly drip, drip, drip all over the floor it goes" Klaus said.

"His lack of vision will be his downfall" Klaus said translating what she said.

"Thats what he always said about you" Greta said. "He" Klaus asked. "You and I have a friend in common" Klaus said.

"I sincerely doubt that" Klaus said. "It's true August Muller I don't blame you for forgetting it was a long time ago Rostock, Germany, Spring 1933" Greta said and told Klaus about August.

"Do you remember him now" Greta asked. "As an elephant considers a gnat merely a trifle" Klaus said.

"That trifle is my Bodhidharma, my Guru Nanak, my Jesus, August is the touchstone to everything that I believe and the reason that I and my friends have taken your sweet Hayley" Greta said.


"Anything yet" Evelyn asked walking in. "No not yet" Klaus said. "In that case mind if I watch the show" Evelyn asked. "Have at it" Klaus said.

"Your daughter is dangerous a menace, a threat" Greta said. "My daughter is a child" Klaus said.

"A child born of werewolf's blood who can create hybrids at will, her defect must be corrected" Greta said.

"Her defect is my defect say that again and I'll pluck out your eyeballs and eat them like olives off my fingertips" Klaus said. "Or I could have my way with you which involves a crossbow and a wooden stake and a dart" Evelyn said.

"I'll call it what it is a dirtying of my species which diminishes the pure and superior nature of vampires" Greta said. "Make your point" Klaus said.

"Your daughter will purify herself submitting to the same spell that your mother Esther once used to bind you once her werewolf side is sublimated Hope will no longer be capable of creating her abominations" Greta said.

"And what if I don't agree" Klaus asked. "It's a simple choice your daughter's werewolf nature or her mother's worldly life clock is ticking" Greta said.

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