6) Dark objects

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Evelyn was sitting next to Elijah not realizing Klaus kept stealing glances of her. Freya came over and Evelyn looked at her. "Freya" Evelyn said and smiled at her.

"May I ask what happened" Freya asked. "Go on tell her" Evelyn said. "We had a little chat about the past" Klaus said.

"And with it came violence apparently" Evelyn said.

"I politely informed Niklaus that I'm not his enemy and though they entered the city under the guise of peace Tristan and Lucien in truth are allied against us a fact that required little bit of gentle persuasion" Elijah said.

"And so, I reminded our brother who angered them in the first place" Klaus said.

"And after all of this civil discourse what understanding did you come to" Freya asked.

"That we expose and destroy our first sired" Elijah said. "Couldn't agree with you more" Klaus said.

"Finally, I was beginning to think I wouldn't be able to have some fun with my new coyote status" Evelyn said.

"You see gentlemen know when it's time to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction" Klaus said. "Or so you say" Evelyn said.


Evelyn was going on a walk when she saw Lucien speed in front of her.

"Are you kidding me I can't enjoy a simple walk without looking at your pathetic face" Evelyn said.

"Well, I see why Klaus likes you" Lucien said. "Really I thought it was cause of the sex" Evelyn said. "What do you want" Evelyn asked. "For you to come with me" Lucien said.

"Yeah pass" Evelyn said going to leave when she felt Lucien inject her with wolfsbane.

"You should rest we've got a big day ahead of us" Lucien said. Evelyn tried to fight the wolfsbane, but she slowly passed out. "There we are" Lucien said.


Evelyn eventually woke up and saw she was in Tristian's suite. "Well at least he put me on the couch like a decent person" Evelyn said and got up.

Tristan came out seeing Evelyn was awake. "Finally, your awake and don't try to shoot at me with your bow I took it" Tristan said.

"I figured like the physic you are at least you're a hot psycho" Evelyn said. "You think I'm hot" Lucien asked. "Don't get your hopes up you're not my type" Evelyn said.

"Really I figured I was since you have a thing for accents" Lucien said and Evelyn glared at him.

"Here take this" Lucien said offering Evelyn a drink. "Consider it an apology for the rough start to our day I see no reason we cannot begin anew" Lucien said.

"I'm usually not one to turn down a drink but the thing is I don't like you" Evelyn said. "Fair enough" Lucien said and took drowned the drink before setting the glass down.

"Later on, I hope you'll remember this all could've gone so much easier" Lucien said. "I never liked easy" Evelyn said.

"Detective Kinney come on in and start cutting up the mirepoix" Lucien said and he did.

"Now I know you may not know this guy, but I do know you value human life" Lucien said.

"You compelled him" Evelyn asked. "Gotta say I shouldn't be surprised" Evelyn said. "What is going on" Detective Kinney asked.

"Why don't you focus on the cutting we don't want you to lose any fingers while we talk" Lucien said. "Did you know Will's mother's side is full of chefs he's going to make us his grandmother's grillades and grits" Lucien said.

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