12) voodoo child

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"Well, well, well look who's back from the dead" Evelyn said seeing Elijah.

"Hello Evie" Elijah said. "Hey, you had everyone worried there for a second" Evelyn said. "Even you" Elijah asked.

"Yes, even me I'm glad you're okay" Evelyn said and Elijah smiled. "Have you seen your sister" Elijah asked. "No, I haven't sorry" Evelyn said.

"It's quite alright" Elijah said. "Okay but if you see her before me tell her I'll be checking on Hope" Evelyn said. "Will do" Elijah said and Evelyn left.


"Hey sweetie drawing something" Hayley said walking to Hope and Evelyn who was playing with Hope's hair.

"Yes" Hope said, and Hayley looked at the paper. "What's that supposed to be a snowstorm" Hayley asked.

"So now that all this trouble's behind us I thought that we could have a chat about what happens next I know that you wanna have a normal life with friends and school and art and sports and" Hayley said but stopped seeing Hope acting off.

"Hey you okay" Hayley asked. "I'm fine" Hope said. "You sure sweetie" Evelyn asked.

"Positive" Hope said. "Hope if you're worried about the hollow don't be everything's okay now, I promise" Hayley said and kissed her fingers showing Hope but Hope only looked at it, confusing Hayley and Evelyn.

"Can I go back to my drawing" Hope asked. "Sure yeah" Hayley said wiping her hand off. "Call if you need us" Evelyn said and left with Hayley.


"I figured you'd be up here I guess I owe you one from keeping Nik from daggering Kol" Rebekah said to Evelyn walking to her. "Just needed some fresh air" Evelyn said.

"Something wrong" Rebekah asked. "It's just; are you sure we got rid of the hollow" Evelyn asked.

"Positive why" Rebekah asked. "Hope is just not acting like herself" Evelyn said. "And you think it's the hollow" Rebekah asked.

"I know it's silly but what if the hollow wanted this to happen and then she jumped into Hope knowing we would never kill Hope or suspect she be inside Hope" Evelyn said causing Rebekah to think.


Freya found Evelyn and Hayley and went to them. "So, I know we're not always the most open around here, but I have to tell someone" Freya said and noticed Hayley and Evelyn's expression.

"What's wrong" Freya asked. "Freya I've been thinking all morning about what happened last night the hollow had me she could've killed me, but she didn't she just took my blood and left" Hayley said.

"Why would she take your blood and just leave" Evelyn asked.

"Well blood can be used for a number of reasons locater spells, healing spells, linking spells" Freya said.

"Linking spell, she didn't link herself to me" Hayley said. "I took this from Hope's room" Hayley said and shown Freya the hairbrush before getting up.

"Do a reading on this tell me what kind of energy you feel" Hayley said giving the brush to Freya.

"Hopefully it's nothing and we're just being crazy" Evelyn said. Freya did as Hayley asked and then suddenly put the brush down causing Freya and Evelyn to stand up.

"It's the hollow's magic" Freya said. "Labonair blood was supposed to kill her" Hayley said.

"Unless she tapped into your bloodline deliberately found a way to overcome the power and turned it into a strength" Freya said.

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