9) savior

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"I'm afraid that was my final offer" Elijah said as he and Evelyn faced the vampires who found Rebekah. "May I" Evelyn asked Elijah who tossed his jacket to the side.

"Please" Elijah said gesturing for Evelyn to go on. Evelyn looked at the vampires and glowed her eyes before turning into a coyote.

Evelyn went to the vampire who was the leader and killed him while Elijah helped kill the remaining vampires. Evelyn helped him kill the others after her guy was dead.

Elijah held out his jacket for Evelyn and turned his head giving her privacy.

Evelyn turned back into her human form and wrapped the jacket around her. "That was fun" Evelyn said and walked to Rebekah's coffin with Elijah.

"I always thought she was extremely beautiful" Evelyn said and Elijah took the dagger out.

Rebekah woke up from her slumber moments later and looked at Elijah and Evelyn. "Hello sister" Elijah said.

"Quite a long nap wouldn't you say" Evelyn asked. "Tell me I didn't miss Christmas" Rebekah said.


Evelyn made it back to the manor and she saw a compelled girl pouring blood into a champagne bottle.

"They don't pay you do they" Evelyn asked. "Handsomely and with a generous Christmas bonus isn't that right" Klaus said coming over.

"Heard you had quite an adventure with Elijah" Klaus said. "Yeah, well what can I say I love adventure" Evelyn said. Klaus smiled at Evelyn and kissed her cheek before sitting next to her.

"So, you just compel her to nod and agree with whatever you say" Evelyn said going back to subject once the compelled girl left.

"I compel her to feed me and to hang the occasional Christmas ornament" Klaus said.

"If you're hungry you could always feed from me" Evelyn said. "Maybe every once in a while, but not always you mean too much to me and I'm afraid I could kill you if I go too far" Klaus said.

"Suit yourself" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled at her before holding her hand. "I missed this" Klaus said.

"Me too" Evelyn said and moved to sit on Klaus's lap laying her head on his chest.

Klaus kept thinking about the visions he, saw of Evelyn. "You okay" Evelyn asked Klaus. "Yes, I'm fine just a lot on my mind" Klaus said. "Okay" Evelyn said, and Klaus played with Evelyn's hair.


Evelyn decided to catch up with Elijah and Rebekah and saw Elijah and ran up to him.

"Thought I find you here" Evelyn said. "Evie what are you doing here" Elijah asked.

"Thought you two could use a coyote as backup besides I rather help you than be in the compound all day" Evelyn said.

"Very well" Elijah said. "I think I prefer the bottom of the murky sea to that restroom" Rebekah said coming over before noticing Evelyn.

"Oh, hi Evie" Rebekah said once she noticed her. "Hi" Evelyn said back. "Still hungry are we" Elijah asked Rebekah.

"I'm not hungry I'm angry staked by your ex drowned by Nik's you two need a lesson in women well at least you do I happen to like Evie for Nik" Rebekah said.

"She has a point you two have pour choices in women" Evelyn said.

"Could the lesson not be yours to learn Rebekah Didn't you darn one of them to eternity viciously antagonize the other" Elijah asked.

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