6) bait

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Evelyn was with Klaus seeing the state of Davina. "She needs to get to a hospital" Evelyn said. "Oh, hello darling back to huff and puff and blow the house down" Kaleb said. "Werewolf jokes really" Evelyn asked him.

"You know it's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat" Klaus said.

"Would you two shut up and Klaus leave him alone for crying out loud he's a kid" Evelyn said.

"You know you might wanna try a bit of lavender under your pillow does wonders for pillocks with anger issues" Kaleb said.

"Hey that's enough keep it up and he may kill you not sure if I can stop him either" Evelyn said. "Let's go calm you down or try to" Evelyn said leading Klaus.


"A minute ago, you had the opportunity to kill your father and you didn't, now I get he's getting on your nerves, mine as well but he's just a kid leave him be for me please" Evelyn said and Klaus sighed.

"Fine" Klaus said and gave Evelyn the stake. "Thanks" Evelyn said.

"Go get the car let's take her to a hospital" Klaus said and gave Evelyn the keys. "Okay" Evelyn said and left.

Klaus went back to Kaleb once Evelyn left. "You've got a way with words" Klaus said.

"Well, I've traveled" Kaleb said. "You seem to have crossed continents in order to weasel your way into Davina's good graces there by meddling in my family business strange isn't it unless of course it's your family business you know ever since my dinner with my mother, and Finn I've been wondering when you might make an appearance Kol" Klaus said and Kol chuckled.

"Then the jig is up hello brother" Kol said. "It's not that I begrudge you hitching a ride back to the land of the living it's just that you're making all the wrong friends brother me I have half a mind to show you how wrong you are" Klaus said.

"You're not gonna do that are you" Kol asked. "Cause your little brunette friend told you to leave me alone" Kol said. "I'm curious does she take one of those plastic baggies out when she takes you for a walk" Kol asked.

"Evelyn I've changed my mind I am gonna kill him after all" Klaus said and Evelyn didn't come. "Evelyn" Klaus said and went to the car not seeing her there or Mikael.


"Klaus will find you" Evelyn told Mikael. "Oh, he will but I will be ready" Mikael said.

"Why are you taking me" Evelyn asked. "You haven't seen it have you" Mikael asked. "That pathetic boy is in love with you" Mikael said.

"No, no way not possible" Evelyn said. "You'd think that wouldn't you" Mikael said.

"Let me go" Evelyn said. "Your leverage now unless you want to die again you will hush" Mikael said dragging Evelyn.


Mikael had tossed Evelyn on the ground. "I swear if he doesn't kill you I will" Evelyn said. "Get in line" Mikael said. "Why do you hate him so much" Evelyn asked.

"I didn't always hate him" Mikael said. "When Niklaus was born I was overjoyed I thought this one, this one has the eyes of a warrior he will be worthy, but my hope was short lived and when I found out that he wasn't really my son my relief was glorious" Mikael said.

"You sound like my birth mother" Evelyn said. "But that relief passed with the knowledge that he was begat of a beast" Mikael said. "His mother's integrity was not his fault" Evelyn said.

"Everything that followed was because of Niklaus' obsession with the wolves he ventured out to watch them turn under the full moon and he took my youngest son Henrik he was but a child and he was torn apart" Mikael said.

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