Bonus chapter

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"We were hoping you'd come back" Rebekah said to an emotionless Hope.

"Well, I won't be staying for dinner Marcel told me that Vincent would lift the spell I just came to say goodbye" Hope said and Rebekah looked at Marcel.

"Did he now" Rebekah asked and Freya put Klaus's ashes on the table.

"Don't look at me like that baby you're the one that was foolish enough to marry me" Marcel said and kissed Rebekah on the lips.

"Didn't we already do this" Hope asked. "The night my father died" Hope said. "Who is the extra plate for" Hope asked. "Elijah" Hope said, and they all looked at her.

"Oh, come on that was funny" Hope said. "I'm not sure you'll think so when you find out just how close to right you are" Freya said.

"Looks like I'm just in time" Kol said making his appearance. "More like late I'm tired of turning around and not being surprised" Hope said.

"Then don't bother I'll happily come to my favorite niece" Kol said and went to Hope. "Don't tell me you started without me" Hope heard a familiar voice say.

And when she looked, she saw Evelyn stood beside Kol. "Wow you look more and more like her every day" Evelyn said.

"Aunt Evie" Hope said. "I realize I've only visited a few times probably as much as Freya maybe more, but I didn't realize I missed so much oh well more on that later" Evelyn said.

"Evie's right because we need your help" Kol said. "With what uncle Kol" Hope asked.

"The family is trying to decide where to spread your father's ashes and you know what Mikaelsons are like always bickering" Kol said.

"I nearly never got them to stop" Evelyn said. "The only solution we could agree upon was leave it up to you" Kol said.

"Fine have it your way that garbage can over there looks perfect to me" Hope said. "Ouch" Evelyn said. "Thats minus ten points" Marcel said.

"I don't care about the game you're all playing" Hope said and Marcel sat down. "Why is this up to me" Hope asked.

"Because what Kol said is true, we don't know what to do without you" Freya said and sat down.

"They're right here may have been my husband but even I couldn't figure out the right place to put him I need your help" Evelyn said and sat down.

"Yeah, as many slats' Klaus and I had over the centuries he would have wanted it this way" Kol said sitting next to Evelyn.

"Well, I don't" Hope said. "Then why are you still here" Rebekah asked. "Because Vincent's holding me hostage with this stupid astral projection spell" Hope said.

"I knew you were the man for me" Rebekah said and sat next to Marcel.

"Vincent is anchoring the spell to New Orleans yes but you could have left any time you wanted" Marcel said.

"Well then why haven't I" Hope asked. "Because you obviously don't want to" Freya said. "At least not all of you" Evelyn said. "Stop trying to appeal to my humanity that is gone" Hope said.

"But you have been seeing her" Freya said. "Perhaps if you answer our question earnestly you will appease the angels of your best nature" Rebekah said.

"Well, if that's what it takes to get away from all of you" Hope said and sat down.

"This may sound selfish but he saw the entire world and chose to make New Orleans his home but it was Mystic Falls before that and he built a school for me so I'd have one too so if it were up to the person that I used to be um I'd want him with me so that I could find the perfect spot that way he could always be near in the trees or on the breeze" Hope said.

"So, it shall be" Kol said.  "I have one more surprise for you" Evelyn said. "What's that" Hope asked.

"I been gathering Hayley's ashes with some help of course but they should be arriving to your dorm room soon" Evelyn said and it was quiet for a moment.

"Davina was gutted she couldn't come so perhaps we could pay a visit" Kol said. "It would give all of us an excuse to visit more we love you Hope" Freya said.

"Always" Marcel said. "And forever" Rebekah said.  "It didn't work I'm still here" Hope said and then she turned around after looking in the corner and left.

"Well, I have a feeling it worked" Evelyn said smiling.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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