19) night has a thousand eyes

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Evelyn was with Hayley and Jackson watching Hope as they took her out for a stroll.

"Well, Mrs. Marshall-Kenner now that you've got a real local to show you around the quarter" Jackson said. "What would you like to see first" Jackson asked.

"Well, Mr. Kenner I'd ask to see your old haunts, but we do have an impressionable young lady with us" Hayley said.

"You guys make me sick any more of this and I'll vomit on you both" Evelyn said.

They all stopped walking and listened to a girl play the Violin. "Thanks" Hayley said, and they continued to walk off when they heard the Violin again. "That song what is it" Hayley asked.

"And why is she staring at us" Evelyn asked as they continued to walk off. Evelyn and Hayley kept looking around and they both got nervous.

"Something's not right" Evelyn said. "Flowers Miss a gift for the child and the lovely lady beside you" a man with flowers said.

"No, we're alright thank you" Jackson said. "Are you sure" the man asked. "The black dahlias are in bloom they're quite lovely" the man said, and Hayley and Evelyn tried to get away.

The man grabbed Hayley's wrist and started choking Evelyn glowing his eyes to a white color.

Klaus came over choking the man causing him to let go off Hayley and Evelyn. "Show yourself witch" Klaus said. Suddenly Jackson's eyes turned white.

"Klaus" Hayley said, and Klaus let go of the man looking at Jackson.

"I am here I am everywhere, and I intend to take what is mine along with the power I rightfully deserve" Jackson said in a robotic voice.

"It's her" Klaus said and Jackson went back to himself. "Hey what just happened" Jackson asked and Hayley and Evelyn faced Klaus. "Dahlia" Klaus said.


Klaus, Hayley, Freya, Rebekah, Evelyn, and Elijah were all in the dining room together after what happened with Dahlia.

"Isn't that the point of a fortress" Klaus asked. "It does a better job protecting you and your sister when you stay within its walls" Klaus said.

"Okay we get it, let's figure out what we're gonna do" Hayley said. "What I would like to do is take a strong leash" Klaus said. "Finish that sentence and see what happens" Evelyn said.

"Children please Niklaus your ire is justified and your girlfriend" Elijah said.

"Girlfriend I'm not his girlfriend" Evelyn said and Klaus looked at her. "However, Hayley is quite right we need to find a new strategy Freya if you please" Elijah said.

"The spell you described Dahlia calls it kenning using proxies to watch her enemies from afar, but I've never seen it done on quite this scale" Freya said.

"Awesome so basically every hurricane chugging boob flashing tourist on Bourbon Street is a potential spy" Hayley said.

"Well, that's just lovely" Evelyn said. "The good news is I know a little bit about how her magic works this tonic will at least prevent her from using any of us" Freya said.

"Well come on should work like a charm" Rebekah said and Elijah sat next to Hayley. "Bottoms up" Rebekah said.

"Niklaus is there something you wish to contribute" Elijah asked.

"I prefer biscuits with my tea" Klaus said. "Here we go" Evelyn said and Klaus sat next to Evelyn.

"Besides our minds are far too strong to be invaded by kenning spells no what we experienced was a test Dahlia's watching to see how we respond to aggression she's preparing to battle my guess is sooner rather than later" Klaus said.

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