21) the serum

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Evelyn, Vincent, Josh, Marcel and Kol were all at Davina's funereal together while Evelyn held onto Kol's shoulder comforting him the best she could.

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"Yeah, even now the words of Ecclesiasticus are ringing in my ears they're saying vengeance as a lion shall lie in wait for them" Vincent said and motioned to Josh.

"A while ago forever ago I told Davina a story about my first boyfriend but what I didn't tell her was that I had never shared that story with anyone else she was like a sister and a best friend, and I loved her I wish uh" Josh said and stopped.

"I'm sorry I can't" Kol said seeing everyone looking at him.

"It's okay, it's okay you don't have to I'll go" Evelyn said and Kol nodded.

"Davina Claire I know we weren't close and I hate that but I never known someone as extraordinary as you you'd do whatever it took to save your friends even if it was a death wish I guess in a way you and I are alike that way you're a warrior Davina Claire and I will spend the rest of eternity telling stories of the great warrior Davina Claire" Evelyn said.

Marcel grabbed a piece of paper looking it over before putting it back in his pocket. "Words aren't any good the Mikaelsons need to answer for this" Marcel said.

"Here we go again" Evelyn said. "I'm gonna make them answer I promise" Marcel said and left causing Evelyn to look at Kol worried.


Evelyn found Kol after he went to speak to Freya and sat next to him. "There you are" Evelyn said.

"I went to see Freya" Kol said. "How'd it, go" Evelyn asked. "You know me so well you could probably imagine" Kol said and Evelyn nodded.

"Kol if I thought that Elijah and Freya if I, known that they would've" Evelyn said when Kol stopped her. "I know" Kol said and Evelyn smiled.

"You're the only one I can count on anymore" Kol said and Evelyn leaned into him hugging him.


"Anything" Elijah asked Freya. "There's too many pieces every time I get close to seeing something it all just fades away" Freya said and Elijah touched Freya's shoulder and saw a vision.

Elijah quickly pulled away from Freya when Evelyn walked in. "What's with you" Evelyn asked.

"You look like you seen a ghost" Evelyn said. "Your still here" Freya said. "I do still live here not like I have anywhere else to go" Evelyn said.

"How's the neck Elijah" Evelyn asked but Elijah ignored her and faced Freya. "Finish it" Elijah said and Freya took his hand. Suddenly they both pulled away gasping.

"Okay now I'm curious" Evelyn said. "Can someone explain to me what's with the worried looks" Evelyn asked.

Elijah looked at her and nodded. After Elijah explained what he saw they all went downstairs.

"What did I just see" Elijah asked. "Vincent told me he found a way to extract the serum from Aurora I was busy at the time but if Vincent did steal the serum if he, if he gave it to Marcel" Freya said.

"We're in trouble" Elijah said. "Yeah" Freya said. "Bet you regret killing Davina now don't you" Evelyn asked sarcastically and Freya left.


Elijah and Evelyn found Freya and went to her. Freya turned around and faced them.

"The serum there's no trace of it in her we need to warn Klaus" Freya said. "He's not answering" Elijah said.

"Either of us I called right after Elijah" Evelyn said.

"Elijah, Evie the power I stole from the ancestors it was enough to deal with Lucien but that power's faded if Marcel takes that serum and becomes the beast foretold in the prophecy, I won't be able to stop him" Freya said.

"Locate Niklaus I'll find Marcel, Evie, I know you and I are not on good terms but please either stay here or find Kol and stay with him" Elijah said. "Okay" Evelyn said, and Elijah left.


Evelyn spent the majority of her day painting in her room.

Just as she finished another painting she turned around when she sensed someone walk in.

"Klaus" Evelyn said confused till she saw his tear strained face. Evelyn ran to him and pulled him to her hug him.

"He's gone Marcel is gone" Klaus said. "I'm sorry Klaus I'm so sorry I know despite everything you did love him he was your family" Evelyn said.

Instead of saying anything Klaus just hugged Evelyn letting his tears fall not daring to let go of her. "I'm here I'm not going anywhere I promise" Evelyn said and Klaus just hugged her tighter.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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