1) For the next Millennium

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Act II

Exes and Prophecies

(Episode 1-22)


"My dear Rebekah I hope this finds you well I write to offer an update and to ask your advice our brothers remain at odds, Evie and Klaus are still barely talking, Klaus will never apologize not for the blood he shed nor the suffering Hayley continues to endure and Elijah cannot forgive him despite my efforts we are a house divided which is not to say I have no good news Niklaus kept his word Marcel controls the quarter there he has founded a fight gym in the old St church where he tests the mettle of those who wish to join his vampire community Elijah has begun joining him for sparing I believe it helps him work through his anger and he has much anger while Hope continues to flourish it is clear that she misses her mother though Niklaus remains the dotting father he's been of no help in finding a cure for Hayley's curse despite my best efforts I've yet to find a means to undo the spell placed on her and the crescent wolves and Hayley herself continues to struggle unable to see her child except for once a month on the full moon and we're in no position to ask for outside help Davina's rage at our family has only grown and as regent of all covens she's far too formidable to be swayed Evie misses Hayley like crazy to the point we barely recognize her anymore I wonder if you would write me with any advice you have on how to heal Klaus and Elijah's fractured bond until then I remain your loving sister Freya" Freya said writing the letter and chanted making the letter disappear when Evelyn walked in.

"Writing to Rebekah" Evelyn asked. "Yes, do you want me to send her anything from you" Freya asked.

"No, I'm fine maybe next time" Evelyn said and Klaus walked over as the two had a stare down.

Evelyn eventually broke it walking away. "Evie, Evie, wait talk to me Evie" Klaus said following her.


Klaus followed Evelyn to her room closing the door behind her. "Klaus not now" Evelyn said.

"You've been saying that for the last month" Klaus said.

"Well, I been busy" Evelyn said coldly. "Doing what" Klaus asked and Evelyn faced him.

"In case you forgotten I'm a coyote now okay a coyote and my sister is stuck night and day as a werewolf thanks to you except for once of month" Evelyn said.

"She was choosing her family over us" Klaus said. "Are you that delusional Klaus" Evelyn asked.

"She was trying to do what she thought was best" Evelyn said. "By taking Hope away from me" Klaus yelled.

"I never said it was the right thing to do and I never agreed with her decision I never knew remember and don't you dare yell at me we may barely be on speaking terms but that does not give you a right to treat me like garbage" Evelyn said and Klaus sighed.

"I just miss you" Klaus said going closer to Evelyn.

"I miss talking to you, being near you, kissing you, touching you, sleeping next to you, everything" Klaus said and held Evelyn's hands as Evelyn held back tears.

"Klaus" Evelyn said. "Evie please" Klaus said and kissed Evelyn's cheek while Evie just stayed still.

Klaus kissed her other cheek, and Evelyn still did nothing. Klaus kissed Evelyn on the lips when she finally pushed Klaus off.

"No stop just stop" Evelyn said. "Evie please" Klaus said. "Klaus as much as I miss your kisses and touching you, being near you, waking up next to you, this doesn't change anything" Evelyn said.

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