8) the kindness of strangers

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Marcel and Evelyn suddenly appeared as Klaus, Rebekah, and Freya saw them. "Marcel" Rebekah said.

"Evie" Klaus said. "No, no, no come on" Evelyn yelled once she got up and helped Marcel up. "I gotta go now" Marcel said. "Yeah, I'm right behind you" Evelyn said following Marcel.

"Hey" Klaus said stopping Marcel and Evelyn. "What game is Vincent playing" Klaus asked.

"You think this is Vincent" Evelyn asked. "Oh, this has nothing to do with Vincent we gotta get out of here the city is about to wash away she's out of her darn mind" Marcel said.

"Who Marcel, who put you and Evie here" Klaus asked.

"It was Hope" Marcel said. "She's responsible for all of this" Evelyn added putting everyone at shock.


Kol went to Evie and gave her a towel to wipe off her face. Evelyn smiled at Kol before wiping the blood off her face.

"If it isn't my best friend" Evelyn said and Kol smiled at her.

"Ivy was telling Vincent and me all about the latest prophecy when a hurricane showed up off the coast out of nowhere" Marcel said. "Monsoon from the waters the final curse before the first horns die" Freya said.

Rebekah gave Marcel a towel and he looked at her before accepting it. He nodded at her and wiped off the blood.

"I went to go find you guys I found Evie told her about the prophecy Hope was at St Anne's she had Klaus and Elijah's bodies laid out on the floor she's gathering up all of you to take back the power that has been split up inside of you" Marcel said.

"She can't do that it'll destroy her that was the whole point" Klaus said.

"I don't think she really cares she just wants the family back together" Evelyn said.

"She threw me and Evie in here when we tried to stop her, we can't leave until you guys find your keys" Marcel said.

"Well, she can't find my body it's halfway across the world" Rebekah said.

"She has help I created hybrids with her blood they're sired to her they'll do anything she asks she'll take the power back she'll end the curses she'll keep the firstborns safe and then my daughter as we know her will be forever lost to darkness" Klaus said.

"We need to find those keys and asap" Evelyn said. "Kol" Evelyn said and left with Kol.


"You got something against literature" Marcel asked seeing Kol and Evelyn going through the books. Kol and Evelyn turned and faced Marcel.

"Well, these are the collected works of William Shakespeare love power betrayal how to thrive in the Mikaelson clan 101 well at least I had Evie" Kol said.

"And you'll always have me because you're stuck with me" Evelyn said.

Davina and I sent these to Hope on her ninth birthday" Kol said motioning to the books. "How is Davina" Marcel asked.

"She doesn't call much these days" Marcel said. "I've spoken to her a few times, but I've been more in touch with Kol" Evelyn said.

"Well, that's how normal families work you learn what you can and then you grow up you join a cult start a rock band find love make you a family" Kol said.

"Hmm doesn't that fly in the face of always and forever" Marcel asked. "You know what to think I spent 1000 years dying to be a part of that vow" Kol said.

"What changed" Marcel asked. "I met Evie my best friend and then I met a girl" Kol said and shown a key.

"Voila four more keys to go" Kol said. "Good maybe we can stop her" Evelyn said.

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