2) you hung the moon

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Evelyn woke up later that night and didn't see Klaus. She tried to go back to sleep but couldn't.

She slowly sat up and went downstairs seeing Klaus. "Your awake" Klaus said and faced Evelyn. "Couldn't go back to sleep" Evelyn said.

"Can we please talk now" Klaus asked. "What is there to talk about" Evelyn asked. "You can't change anything you've done" Evelyn said. "Evie please, please try to understand" Klaus said.

"I have I've been trying so hard to understand that it keeps me up all night" Evelyn said and Klaus looked at her.

"But I can't understand okay I just can't I can't understand why you would take not only my sister away from me but Hope's mother away from her" Evelyn said.

"I told you a thousand times she was going to take Hope away from me" Klaus said.

"So, that gave you a right to curse Hayley into a wolf never seeing her again unless it's once a month on a full moon" Evelyn said.

"What was I supposed to do" Klaus asked. "Let her take the one thing I love most in the world" Klaus asked. "No but there are better ways than cursing her to a wolf" Evelyn said and sighed.</p>

"Klaus this argument is getting old we can't keep having the same fight" Evelyn said. "Then what do you suggest we do" Klaus asked.

"I don't know" Evelyn said. "Evie, I hate fighting with you okay I do more than anything and I want to fix this, but I don't know how" Klaus said. Evelyn sighed before looking at Klaus.

"There is one thing but it's the last thing I would want to do" Evelyn said.

"What" Klaus said. "Maybe we should break up" Evelyn said and Klaus looked at her. "Not forever just for a little while" Evelyn said.

As Klaus was about to say something he heard someone. "I thought I smelled swamp" Klaus said and faced Jackson. "What did you do with Hayley" Jackson asked and Evelyn faced Jackson.

"Oh, great it's my least favorite brother-in-law" Evelyn said. "Tell me what you know" Elijah said making his presence known.

"Has Jackson misplaced his bride" Klaus asked. "Come to think about it I did read that global warming has disrupted migration patterns try Georgia" Klaus said.

"I just left the bodies of people I care about to rot in the woods because you left them defenseless against poachers sent by kingmaker land development" Jackson said.

"That ring a bell" Jackson asked. "Do you two ever go a day without blaming Klaus thinking it's his fault" Evelyn asked but was ignored.

"Yeah, the CEO is Lucien Castle, Elijah tells me that you two go way back" Jackson said.

"So, I will ask you once again what do you know" Elijah asked.

"As it happens, I just came back from a romp with our good friend Lucien, you can find him in the penthouse of the gaudy new construction on Canal and while you two are catching up be sure to ask him about the prophetic vision he showed me of our family's spectacular downfall you could use a good laugh" Klaus said.

"Stay here Niklaus and I will deal with this" Elijah told Evelyn and Jackson. "If I have to stay with him, I'll be in my room" Evelyn said.

"Actually, as long as Hayley's prowling about on two legs and unaccounted for I am staying with my daughter" Klaus said.

"And should I discover that this is yet another cockeyed scheme for Hayley and you to abscond with her the paltry remains of your beloved wolf pack will be sniffing at your entrails come morning" Klaus said to Jackson going to leave when Elijah sped in front of him.

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