10) thorns

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"Rebekah and Kol just landed I assured them we're moments from returning our brother to life don't make me a liar" Klaus said to Freya.

"Klaus I am this close to snapping your neck" Evelyn told Klaus who looked at her before looking back at Freya. "I can't resurrect Elijah until I'm certain his mind is whole" Freya said.

"Well, you saved Finn with that very trinket what's the problem" Klaus asked.

"When that pendent was shattered Elijah's mind shattered with it he's lost likely retreated to the innermost core of his consciousness" Freya said.

"How do we find that" Hayley asked. "I don't know he could be anywhere in over 1,000 years of memories but if I try fixing the pendent before finding him and healing his mind, he'll be permanently fractured like casting a broken bone before it's been properly set" Freya said.

"Spare me the medical analogous and fix him" Klaus said. "If you just shut up and listen, she's trying to tell you what she has to do in order to do so" Evelyn told Klaus.

"Thank you, Evie," Freya said and Evelyn nodded. "I need to go inside and find him once I'm sure his mind is stable then I can fix the pendent" Freya said.

"Then stop talking and get in there" Klaus said. "Klaus take a walk get some air let her work please" Hayley said.

"Come on" Evelyn said leading Klaus. "Please tell me that you can do this" Hayley said to Freya.

"He's my brother I'm not gonna stop until he's safe" Freya said.


"I was wondering if I had to come find you" Evelyn said once she spotted Kol smiling.

"Like I'd come without telling my best friend hello" Kol said and gave Evelyn a quick hug. "So tell me how is my brother" Kol asked after pulling away from the hug.

"About the same makes me want to rip his head off at times" Evelyn said. "The same old Evie, I missed you" Kol said.

"Come on we better find Klaus and if you plan on visiting Davina before you leave tell that little warrior I'm thinking of her" Evelyn said and left with Kol following her.


Kol and Evelyn made their way to Klaus once they spotted him with Rebekah.

"Alright chit chats over can we slaughter someone now" Kol asked. Evelyn clapped happily. "Oh please" Evelyn said.

"Well first things first we need to destroy the weapons that give our enemy their advantage now one scratch from the rosebush is lethal to us Freya has tracked down the eight that remain including the main plant here in the 9th ward" Klaus said pointing to it.

"Fine so we burn them all and then we murder that wretched she devil" Rebekah said leaving with Klaus.

"Lethal thorns, resurrected witches what could possibly go wrong" Kol asked. "Come on" Evelyn said leading Kol.


"Can I interest anyone in a swift and painless death" Rebekah asked after killing a witch. "Oh, come now Bex do we have to be so swift" Kol asked after a witch tried to escape.

"Seriously it's so boring" Evelyn said appearing beside Rebekah after vamping in. "Sadly" Klaus said vamping in holding a knife to a witch's throat.

"Lucky for you lot were in a rush" Klaus said. "I would say don't take it personal but it's personal" Evelyn said.


"Like stealing candy from babies" Rebekah said. "Yes, but I'm not finished with this one" Kol said.

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