3) quiet day at home

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Evelyn couldn't sleep that night. Every time she closed her eyes her mind kept wondering who could have taken Hayley. Evelyn looked beside her to see Klaus still asleep.

Evelyn slowly got up and looked outside watching people as they pass by.

Suddenly Evelyn felt someone put their arms around her waist.

Smiling to herself knowing that could only be one person Evelyn turned and saw Klaus. "You're not in bed" Klaus said. "Couldn't sleep" Evelyn said.

"We will find her I promise" Klaus said. "I know but still who would take her" Evelyn asked. "I wish I knew" Klaus said. "But I promise you I will not stop until she is found" Klaus said.

"I know you will it's one of the many reasons why I love you" Evelyn said. "Oh, really I thought it was cause of the sex" Klaus said.

"Shut up" Evelyn said playfully hitting him. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding" Klaus said. "You better be" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled. "I promise I am" Klaus said.

"You think you can get Elijah to help with his state" Evelyn asked. "I'm going to try" Klaus said.

"And if you can't" Evelyn asked. "Then it will be up to us" Klaus said. "Sounds good to me" Evelyn said.


"No luck" Evelyn asked as Klaus walked in through the door. "We're on our own" Klaus said and Evelyn rushed to Klaus and pulled him in for a hug.

"I'm sorry I know you wanted your brother back" Evelyn said. "It's alright love I promise" Klaus said.

But Evelyn knew Klaus better than that she knew not matter what Klaus said he still needed Elijah.

Evelyn then pulled away from the hug. "He knew" Klaus said confusing Evelyn. "He knew who he was, but he didn't care" Klaus said. "How did he know" Evelyn asked.

"He saw Marcel and Marcel told him" Klaus said. "And yet he still didn't care" Evelyn asked and Klaus shook his head.


"Wait Hayley is missing" Kol asked over the phone.

"Yeah, Hope hid her cause she wanted to see Klaus but when we went to go get her someone else beat us to it" Evelyn said.

"Wait your in New Orleans" Kol asked. "Yeah, hello, do you need hearing aids" Evelyn asked.

"You're not funny" Kol said. "We're only here till we find Hayley" Evelyn said. "Please be careful I can't lose you" Kol said. "Don't you know me I'm always careful" Evelyn said.

"Evie please if you die chances are you won't come back this time" Kol said. "I'll do my best" Evelyn said.

"Thank you" Kol said. "Say hi to Davina for me I gotta to" Evelyn said.

"I will, talk soon okay" Kol said. "Okay" Evelyn said and hung up before lying next to Klaus who put his arm around her and played with her hair.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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