6) what will i have left

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Once Hope walked in with Roman not only did, she, see Hayley tied up but Evelyn too. "Mom, Aunt Evie" Hope said going to them.

"Hope" Hayley said once she saw her. "Hope" Evelyn said as Hope looked at her. "What is this" Hope asked. "You" Hayley said once she saw Roman.

"Get away from my niece get away from her" Evelyn said yelling at Roman making Hope face Roman.

Roman handcuffed Hope before she could do anything. "I'm so sorry" Roman said to Hope.

Roman fed Hayley some water before moving on to Evelyn doing the same thing. "What's going on" Hope asked. "He's the one that led them to me in the church attic" Hayley said.

"How did you know where she was" Hope asked. "You got inside my head the first day you touched me when you tucked my hair behind my ear you were really just trying to figure out where my mom was hidden" Hope said once Roman didn't say anything.

"He's also the one who impersonated you when I thought I got a text from you knowing I'd rush over to you as fast as I could" Evelyn said.

"Hope look I know this looks bad okay but if you just do the binding spell" Roman said.

"Binding spell what's he talking about" Hayley asked. "Greta said that if I did the binding spell then they'd let you live" Hope said. "Greta said that" Hayley asked.

"Of course she did" Evelyn mumbled. "It's just so Hope can't make any more hybrids our movement is about getting the natural order back that's all my mom wants" Roman said.

"Then why am I here" Evelyn asked. "She said if we didn't get you that you'd try to stop us" Roman said.

"Wait Greta's your mom" Hope asked. Hayley and Evelyn tried to get loose but couldn't.

"Untie us now" Hayley said. "I can't okay just do the binding spell and you'll be fine" Roman said.

"Nothing will be fine for you unless you untie us" Hayley said. "You do know your mother is an insane psychopath right" Evelyn asked.

"It's not insane to defend yourself okay werewolves kill to trigger their curse none of them are innocent but at least they're a naturally occurring species hybrids are a perversion look at Klaus" Roman said.

"You keep my husband's name out of your mouth right now because I assure you once I'm free I will rip you to shreds" Evelyn said.

"And Henry was a hybrid for less than a day before he murdered someone, they're just unnatural" Roman said. "At least I know how you really feel" Hope said.

"Hybrids have a choice too Roman we all have free will Klaus did whatever he did not because he's a hybrid but because he's Klaus, Henry's just a kid eventually he'll learn self-control" Hayley said. "Mom" Hope said. "What" Hayley said.

"Henry's dead" Hope said. "What happened" Hayley asked.

"They tore his heart out and strung him up outside Rousseau's" Hope said. "Who did" Hayley asked. "No one knows" Hope said.

"Actually, I think Roman's mother does" Evelyn said and Roman looked at Evelyn.

"Don't give me that look" Evelyn said. "Think about it if they did that to some backwards bayou kid that they barely even knew imagine what they're gonna do to us" Hayley said.

"No, no, my mom just wants peace if you bind yourselves, you'd be free you, you'll see" Roman said.

"And if you believe that then you really are a fool your mother doesn't wanna bind us Roman she wants to kill us" Hayley said.

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