3) Haunter of Ruins

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"What's the holdup alright we rescued Nik we escaped mortal danger why are we not on a private jet to St. Tropez" Kol asked.

"You can catch up on the last five years when we're on our way I assure you we haven't missed much" Kol said taking Elijah's newspaper.

"Not that I agree on running but you really haven't missed much" Evelyn said.

"Circumstances have changed we will leave here soon enough" Elijah said.

"We have a niece to consider" Rebekah said. "Who I'm sure is nervous enough seeing you all as it is" Evelyn said. "Kol has a point" Freya said getting up.

"We need to put an ocean between us and Marcel as soon as possible" Freya said.

"We're not going anywhere today I want one day of peace with my daughter before we uproot her" Klaus said.

"Any delay is a risk" Freya said. "One day we're in the middle of nowhere the house is cloaked we weren't followed and I'm not asking" Klaus said and Hayley came out with Hope.

"Everybody, look who's awake" Hayley said. "There's my beautiful niece" Evelyn said, and Klaus made his way to Hayley and Hope. "Hello" Hope said, and Evelyn noticed she was nervous.

"Hello" Klaus said back to her. "Mom, can I go play in the garden" Hope asked Hayley. "Yeah sure" Hayley said.

"Auntie Evie" Hope said going to her and Evelyn bent down to her.

"Yeah" Evelyn said. "Do you want to go with me" Hope asked. "Sure" Evelyn said and took Hope's hand and left with her.


Evelyn and Hope were painting when Evelyn noticed Klaus carefully made his way over to them. Klaus looked over and saw what Hope was painting.

"Thats lovely" Klaus said. "Mom said you liked to paint too" Hope said. "I do very much" Klaus said.

"I always thought I got my love of art from Auntie Evie, but she says I get it from you" Hope told Klaus.

Klaus looked at Evelyn who smiled before focusing back on Hope who gave him a paper to paint. Klaus sat in the chair next to Evelyn and started to paint.

Hope looked over and saw him painting before focusing back on her painting.

Klaus looked over at Hope before looking back at his painting and smiled causing Evelyn to smile as well.


"I painted on animal skins mostly bark, cave walls" Klaus said.

"You lived in a cave" Hope asked. "I lived in a hovel all of us crowded into two rooms it was actually nicer than it sounds though your uncle Kol snored loudly I might add" Klaus said and Hope laughed.

"When we first met, he snored" Evelyn added and Hope laughed again.

"I bet it was cool always having other kids to play with" Hope said and took Klaus's hand stepping over the log.

"It was cool actually, but I still felt alone different from my siblings for one thing I loved art I used to make my own paints from flowers and berries" Klaus said.

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