13) when the saints go marching in

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"Niklaus don't, put it down" Elijah said. "Walk away Elijah you shouldn't be here for this" Klaus said. "Put it down and let's talk" Elijah said.

"There's nothing left to say it's time to end this chapter get rid of the dark magic once and for all" Klaus said and Hope and Evelyn made their way to Klaus.

"Dad" Hope said. "Klaus what are you doing" Evelyn asked seeing he had a stake to his heart.

"Get them out of here" Klaus told Elijah. "Your death is not the answer" Elijah said.

"Death what are you talking about" Hope asked. "They put it into you" Hope said. "Wow what you had the hollow put into you and you didn't tell me I knew something was off" Evelyn said.

"I didn't want your last memory of me to be this" Klaus said. "But you told me that they put it into something safe and instead you used my first transition to trick me" Hope said.

"So, what happens you just kill yourself and the magic goes away" Hope asked. "And you're gonna let him go through with this" Hope asked Elijah.

"I don't need his permission to save your life" Klaus said. "Come back with me to New Orleans Niklaus we'll find another way" Elijah said.

"We both know that's not gonna happen I'm sorry Hope I've made my decision" Klaus said.

"Klaus don't" Evelyn said. "And I've made mine" Hope said and used her magic to knock him out.


"There she is" Kol said walking into Evelyn's room. Kol went to Evelyn and sat beside her. "He wasn't going to say goodbye" Evelyn said and Kol sighed.

"It was probably too hard for him you know my brother loves you" Kol said. "Still would've been nice to get a goodbye" Evelyn said.

"Niklaus is an idiot you know that" Kol said. "Yeah, I know" Evelyn said and Kol sighed.

"Hey everything is going to be okay I promise" Kol said. "Stay with me" Evelyn asked. "Just for a little while" Evelyn said. "Of course," Kol said and Evelyn leaned onto Kol's shoulder.


"So, it's true" Marcel said. "We have to find him" Hope said. "It's Mardi Gras out there the streets will be packed to the rafters" Marcel said.

"We can't let him kill anyone while he's out of his freaking mind" Evelyn said. "Well, he'll be the one foaming at the mouth and ranting" Hope said.

"Yeah, exactly which is why I don't think it's such a good idea for you to be out there" Marcel said.

"It's better than being fatherless" Hope said leaving. "Hope wait for me" Evelyn said following after her.


"Hey Hope, Hope come on Hope we both know firsthand what he's up against the voices the rage" Marcel said. "He's in this mess because he's trying to save me just like always" Hope said.

"Look you put him down he got back up you put him down again the same thing's gonna happen" Marcel said.

"So, what I'm an orphan at 15 god you guys are always saying that I need someone to take care of me" Hope said.

"Well, who's gonna take care of me if he goes Uncle Elijah, Aunt Evie wouldn't want to stay here she'd leave with Uncle Kol and we both know that" Hope said. "You" Hope asked. "No of course not because you have your own never-ending life to live so Marcel just, go and let me have my last moments with my father" Hope said and used her magic on Marcel.

"You, coming" Hope asked Evelyn. "Let's go" Evelyn said leaving with Hope.


"Dad" Hope said once she and Evelyn found Klaus. "Come on let's go home" Hope said offering her hand.

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