12) shocking discovery

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Evelyn went downstairs and saw Marcel. "Marcel" Evelyn said. "Evelyn" Marcel said. "Please call me Evie" Evelyn said.

"Okay Evie you should get back upstairs there's a barrier keeping us here and there's blood thirsty vampires everywhere" Marcel said. "You think I can't handle myself" Evelyn asked.

"I'd prefer for you not to kill them" Marcel said. "I won't as long as they don't try to kill me" Evelyn said and Marcel's phone rang.

"You gonna get that" Evelyn asked and Marcel quickly answered it.

"I searched the entire French quarter Finn's vanished I can't remove the barrier that has you trapped until I have my hand around his throat" Klaus said.

"And yet he didn't invite me" Evelyn said. "Evelyn" Klaus said.

"Would it kill you to say Evie or even Eve" Evelyn said. "Okay you two can discuss this later I was hoping you had a plan B" Marcel said.

"Davina, she doesn't know it yet but she's gonna help me break his spell your job, keep Kol alive at least until we learn Rebekah's whereabouts" Klaus said.

Evelyn happened to notice Marcel's wound. "Are you listening to me" Klaus asked.

"Yeah, that all sounds fine and good but listen when I was getting the werewolves out, I got bit" Marcel said.

"I will get you my blood I will get you out of that house Marcellus whatever it takes" Klaus said and hung up.


Evelyn was walking around when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around knocking them on the ground.

"Well, that's one way to greet someone who convinced their mother to bring you back from the dead love" Kol said. "Kol Mikaelson" Evelyn asked.

"In the flesh sort of" Kol said and Evelyn got up helping Kol up.

"Nice act pretending you don't know me" Kol said. "Learned from the best" Evelyn said.

"Hey, I convinced mother to bring you back I had to pretend not to know you" Kol said. "And now" Evelyn asked.

"Okay what about you" Kol asked. "Okay first of all I didn't know it was you until that dinner you haven't started great Kol, but I will not watch you die again" Evelyn said.

"You watched me die" Kol asked. "Not much to do in the other side and I know how this family is like so if your family tries to kill you, they'll have me to deal with even when you make dumb decisions" Evelyn said.

"Okay I didn't exactly have a choice" Kol said. "That's where you're wrong everyone has a choice and personally, I rather stay dead than help your mother" Evelyn said.

"I missed you" Kol said and Evelyn smiled. "I missed you too" Evelyn said.


Kol and Evelyn were asking when they saw Gina and Josh and Gia started walking towards them.

"You come anywhere near me or Evie, I will give you a headache that will last a century" Kol said. "Kol" Evelyn said seeing Gina getting close. "I won't let them hurt you I promise" Kol said.

"It will be worth it" Gia said and Kol started using his powers and Gina fell to her knees when Marcel came over.

"Anyone, care to explain what's going on" Marcel asked. "Your so-called protection detail was trying to eat me and Evie" Kol said to Marcel and Marcel had a feeling the two knew each other.

"So, I think I should teach them a lesson" Kol said. "Kol don't" Evelyn said and Kol fell down.

"Uh what just happened" Josh asked. "Good question" Evelyn said.

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