9) don't dwell on the past

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"The curse that plagued our family for seven years has taken its toll on all of us on our city on our home on our family the consequences of us being together were grave" Klaus said.

"But today thanks to you" Klaus said to Hope. "We celebrate a new beginning one in which we have the freedom to stand side by side and whatever trials may come we will face them together as a family always and forever" Klaus said and they all took a drink of their juice.

"Would you please pass the beignets" Hope asked. "Of course," Freya said.

"Aunt Evie, do you want one" Hope asked. "Sure" Evelyn said, and Hope gave her one. "So, Rebekah will be back in a few days she's just tying up some loose ends overseas" Klaus said.

"It'll be nice to have her here" Hope said. "It'll be good to have all of us under one roof again" Freya said and Elijah walked in.

"Good morning" Elijah said, and Evelyn noticed Hope's facial expression, and everyone stayed silent. "Obviously there's a lot for us to discuss here" Elijah said.

"Hope let me begin by telling you how truly sorry" Elijah said and Evelyn saw Hope's fork bending.

"Thanks for breakfast guys but I have homework to catch up on" Hope said and left. "Well, she lasted longer than I expected" Evelyn said.

"That's not normal she's not normal" Klaus said seeing Hope's fork.

"She lost her mother Niklaus I shouldn't have come down here" Elijah said. "At least you can claim amnesia unlike our sister who willingly aided the child in ruining her life" Klaus said.

"Hope is not a child" Freya said. "Did you even consider what absorbing all that magic could do to her" Klaus asked.

"And what choice did I have" Freya asked. "Deny her defy her we had a plan to keep the dark magic away from her" Klaus said. "A plan that wasn't work" Freya said.

"Yes, well thanks to you the magic has her now so if my daughter should be harmed in any way shape or form, I will hold you personally responsible" Klaus said and left.

"Well, this was fun" Evelyn said and got up. "Evie" Elijah said, and Evelyn looked at him.

"I hope you know I did love your sister and I truly am sorry for not saving her if I could go back in time and fix my mistakes I would" Elijah said.

"Elijah, stop you don't need to apologize okay I don't blame you I would never blame you for what happened okay it's not your fault it's okay" Evelyn said and smiled at Elijah and left.


Evelyn walked into Hayley's old room and looked around it. When she spotted Hayley's jacket on the bed.

She went to it and picked it up smelling it and smiled slightly as it still smelled like Hayley.

Going to the mirror Evelyn put the jacket on and she spotted Klaus behind her. "It suits you" Klaus said and went to her. "You think" Evelyn asked.

"Yeah, she would want you to have it" Klaus said. "Most sisters hated that they borrowed each other's clothes but that was never the case with Hayley I didn't even really have to ask most of the town she'd tell me I was beautiful and that if I needed her to call her and that to make sure I returned it when I was done with whatever I was borrowing of hers at the time" Evelyn said.

"Do you really think it suits me" Evelyn asked. "Yes, I do take it I mean it" Klaus said.

"I should go check on Hope" Klaus said and kissed Evelyn's cheek before leaving.


Evelyn saw Hope and went to her. "Hey" Evelyn said, and Hope smiled at her. "Hey Aunt Evie" Hope said. "Oh, wow that looks beautiful" Evelyn said seeing the painting.

"Thanks" Hope said smiling at her. "Is that mom's jacket" Hope asked. "Yeah, sorry I can put it back if it's too weird" Evelyn said.

"No, no don't you should have it besides mom was planning on giving it to you anyways she knew it was your favorite" Hope said. "It was" Evelyn said.

"How are you handling losing mom so well" Hope asked. "I'm not, not really but a little secret every time I look at you, I see her so in a way it's like she never left" Evelyn said and Hope smiled.

"Is dad always going to be so worried" Hope asked. "He's your dad I'm sure you already know the answer to that" Evelyn said and Hope smiled.

"Alright well I'll leave you to it just if you need me yell or something I'll come running" Evelyn said and left.


"You must be Declan" Evelyn said seeing him leaving and Declan turned to face her.

"Your Evelyn Hayley's sister she talked about you all the time you left me tons of messages about Hayley" Declan said.

"Evie" Evelyn said. "Do you know anything about what" Declan started to ask when Evelyn interrupted.

"I don't know much whatever Freya told you is all we know" Evelyn said and Declan nodded.

"How are you" Declan asked. "I'll manage" Evelyn said. "If you ever need someone to talk to" Declan said when Evelyn interrupted him.

"I'll find you" Evelyn said. "It was nice meeting you" Evelyn said Declan nodded and left.


Evelyn was in her room painting while smiling at what she was painting. Klaus walked in saw the painting and went to Evelyn smiling at it.

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"I say it's your best work yet" Klaus said. "She may not be with us anymore, but she wouldn't want us to be sad or dwell on the past she'd want us to be happy" Evelyn said and put the paintbrush down.

"She's forever in our hearts and for that I can't be sad cause I know she's always with me wherever I go" Evelyn said.

Klaus smiled at Evelyn and hugged her from behind and kissed her forehead. "That she is" Klaus said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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