1) Gather up the killers

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Reuniting and the hollow

(Episode 1-13)


"To five years of independence and old enemies who became new friends" Marcel said and gave Sofia a drink.

"I thought you said this was strictly a business meeting" Sofia said. "Well, you didn't mind last time we mixed business with pleasure" Marcel said and took a drink.

"You pay me for information, and I have quite a bit to share" Sofia said and gave Marcel the papers.

"As predicted Klaus's enemies are flocking to New Orleans to celebrate however some are seeking allies among your witches no doubt, they want to befriend the very covens that still resent you start conflict undermine your power and perhaps steal your prized trophy Klaus himself" Sofia said.

"Hmm how diabolical it's a good thing I called a truce with the witches Vincent wants peace as much as I do" Marcel said.

"So, you've said but I'm hearing that the covens are up to something Sigil markings on the walls secret midnight meetings maybe Vincent doesn't know or maybe he's planning a power grab" Sofia said.

"I will ask him myself" Marcel said. "Better make it fast because you have bigger problems" Sofia said.

"Oh, if you're talking about Hayley and Evelyn Marshall, I said they're off limits" Marcel said.

"Fine but there are others who will stop at nothing to find them Alistair Duquesne for one he and his allies believe Hayley and her sister are the key to finding the rest of the Mikaelsons" Sofia said.

"So Alister is going after Hayley and Evelyn" Marcel asked.

"Alister is here ostensibly for the independence celebration, but I believe he will demand you give him Klaus's blood which he will then use to track Klaus's siblings or his child" Sofia said.

"No one has seen or heard from the Mikaelsons in half a decade" Marcel said.

"Alister has hunted down members of the strix he offers them as proof of Elijah's sire line is alive so is Elijah along with Evelyn who was sired by Kol Mikaelson her best friend which leads people to wonder if Hayley and Evelyn, is somehow trying to bring the Mikaelsons back" Sofia said.


Hayley and Evelyn went back to the attic and Hayley turned on the light.

Hayley went to Elijah's coffin and opened it while Evelyn did the same to Kol's.

"Don't worry Kol you'll wake soon enough there's no way I'm letting my best friend suffer much longer" Evelyn said.

Hayley looked at Evelyn for a split second before looking back at Elijah.


Hayley and Evelyn saw Hope drawing and stood at her door. Evelyn smiled at Hope seeing how much she reminded her of Hayley.

They heard a car approach and Hope looked at Evelyn and Hayley. "Is that her" Hope asked.

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