4) Between the devil and the deep blue sea

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"Compelling Nola's finest I see" Marcel said walking over with Evelyn.

"If that's the city's finest than it'll wither from its own mediocrity" Klaus said. "Okay I love you I do but what are the humans gonna do that the other factions can't" Evelyn asked.

"They have the numbers I need eyes everywhere whoever did this can't hide from me" Klaus said and noticed the look Marcel was giving.

"What" Klaus said. "Clear eyes focused demeanor you know for Klaus Mikaelson is say you're acting pretty normal" Marcel said. "If you've got a point Marcellus spit it out" Klaus said.

"There's a chatter your unhinged I'm just making sure you're not poised to do something that we'll all regret" Marcel said.

"Well knowing him that's very likely" Evelyn said. "Well, if the suicidal simpletons who took my daughter's mother also known as my wife's sister return her unharmed, I won't have to do something we'll all regret will I" Klaus said.

"What happened when you went to go visit Elijah in France" Marcel asked.

"Nothing he wasn't there" Klaus said and Evelyn looked at him knowing he was lying after what he told her last night.

"No, you two didn't come face to face" Marcel asked. "Because last I heard Hope's picking maggots out of her cafeteria food" Marcel said.

"Okay he's not the only one who carry the curse can't be too sure it's Elijah" Evelyn said. "So this is because Kol and Rebekah had an impromptu reunion" Marcel asked.

"Well, she's certainly not with you is she" Klaus said.

"The city can't gonna stand for the kind of retribution you're threating, and neither am I" Marcel said.

"Well then I suggest you take all of this as an incentive" Klaus said. "Klaus" Evelyn asked seeing a letter. Klaus, vamp sped down and grabbed the letter opening it.

Evelyn and Marcel sped down and saw what the letter said. "238 St. Philip Street Treme" the letter said.


"Have you considered his might be a trap" Marcel asked. "Of course, not but we also don't really care" Evelyn said.

"I could have 30 vampires here in five minutes" Marcel said and Klaus stayed silent.

"I can't help you if you don't let me" Marcel said. "If your assistance requires psychological evaluation then allow me to make this easy for you psychopath on a mission no time for chit chat" Klaus said.

"Look if you wanna shed blood today get in line I care about Hayley too and Evie so be a jerk to everyone else but watch your tone with me" Marcel said.

"I get your worried Klaus I am too she's my sister but please let him help" Evelyn said. "We're here" Klaus said and they went up the steps.

Marcel and Evelyn were about to go in, but Klaus stopped them. "Wait" Klaus said.

"What do you hear" Klaus asked. "Absolutely nothing" Marcel said.

"Not a single thing" Evelyn said, and Klaus opened the door as they all went in. They looked around but didn't see Hayley.

"Klaus, Evie" Marcel said and Klaus and Evelyn went to Marcel, and they saw blood on the walls and a chair with a rope around it. Marcel smelled the rope before facing Evelyn and Klaus.

"Wolfsbane and vervain" Marcel said. "She was here" Klaus said.

"Look" Evelyn said motioning to the message on the wall. "Freak, Filth, crossbreed" the message said.

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