11) the weapon

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Klaus woke up the next morning and saw Evelyn was asleep on his chest. Not wanting to wake her just yet Klaus kissed her forehead before playing with her hair.

Evelyn slowly woke up without moving from Klaus's chest. "Morning love" Klaus said.

"Morning" Evelyn said. "You know we should probably get up the quicker we get this prophecy dealt with the faster we can just be in each other's arms all day" Klaus said.

"But you're so comfy" Evelyn said, and Klaus smiled.

"Sometimes I wish it was just the two of us no crazy exes no vampires no werewolves no witches no supernatural drama" Evelyn said.

"What about hybrids" Klaus asked looking at her. Evelyn smiled before looking at him. "Just you" Evelyn said and Klaus gave her a quick kiss.


Evelyn went with Elijah to see Aya after she told them about their secret weapon. "I have a bad feeling about this" Evelyn said.

"We've searched for a seer for decades ultimately we made a rather startling discovery" Aya said.

"Ariana come forward please" Aya told her. Ariana did as Aya told her to do. "This is your secret weapon" Elijah said looking at Ariana.

"Doesn't look like much if you ask me" Evelyn said. "She's untrained of course but she's shown a spark of talent which in itself is unbelievably rare" Aya said.

"And what do you want from me" Elijah asked. "Witches like Ariana spend years absorbing all manner of information they see patterns in the chaos in part because they view history as a whole sadly, we don't have that kind of time" Aya said.

"Water will act as a conductor allowing me to enter your mind to know everything you know to see and understand everything that you've learned in a thousand years" Ariana said removing her cloak.

"Think of it as a crash course into your mind" Aya said as Ariana went into the water. "Garnering just enough information to answer the only question that matters" Aya said.

"I should've just stayed with Hayley" Evelyn said sighing.


Elijah laid in the water as Ariana entered his mind. Elijah started to grunt in pain.

"Does that mean it's working" Evelyn asked. "Yes" Aya said. Soon enough Elijah sat up in the water letting out a gasp.

"Did you see it the weapon" Aya asked. "All your family has endured and yet the worst is still to come an unending darkness lies before you a lone figure a pale horse a flame that will burn you all" Ariana said.

"Told you I had a bad feeling about this" Evelyn told Elijah.


Evelyn and Elijah returned to the manor and filled Klaus in on what they discovered.

"I thought the pale horse might be something biblical or even tied to one of the equestrian constellations there's Pegasus perhaps even Equuleus" Elijah said.

"Neither of those sounds like a weapon unless they plan to bore us to death you know it would be nice if just once the witches bloody well said what they mean" Klaus said.

"Well, you can't always trust a witch" Evelyn said. "They brought you back" Elijah said.

"Technically Kol brought me back or more like helped and now he's dead" Evelyn said and left.


Evelyn was in her room when she saw a picture of Kol and sighed. "Kol, I don't know if you can hear me, I'm still not sure how this supernatural stuff works" Evelyn said out loud.

"But I miss you and I really wish you were here right now" Evelyn said as tears fell.

"I don't know how I can get through this without you" Evelyn said allowing more tears to fall.


"All of my efforts to protect and provide comfort for my family" Klaus said.

"Klaus you're not making any sense" Hayley said. "Whatever you're going on about you care to enlighten us because we can't read minds, we can snap necks but read minds no" Evelyn said.

"The Pale Horse it isn't a constellation nor is it a biblical verse it's a trinket I made when we were children a toy carved from kindling which I gave to Rebekah in the hopes of easing her fears" Klaus said.

"I collected the firewood myself it was fallen branches from everywhere and" Elijah said and stopped once he realized something.

"And what" Evelyn asked. "The horse was made of the white oak that weapon is here" Elijah said. "Then I say we find it fast" Evelyn said.


After not being able to find the weapon Evelyn went back up to her room.

When she saw something appear on her bed. Evelyn went to it and saw it was a note. Evelyn picked it up and read it.

"I have a plan I'm going to get Kol back I'm going to bring him back I promise you will have your best friend back - Davina" the note said.

Evelyn smiled at the note. "Be careful Davina" Evelyn said to herself.

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