7) Rituals

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"Ugh o positive you heathen" Elijah said walking in seeing Evelyn and Klaus. "New rules no bloodshed in the house where my daughter sleeps and plays" Klaus said.

"Are you sure you want to drink that" Evelyn asked and Klaus sniffed the blood. "Perhaps I'll go out for dinner" Klaus said.

"No, no, no, no we have no way to know who'll take Dominic's place as the hollow's right hand it could be any number of disciples out there" Elijah said.

"Yes, yes, yes all of whom may have the means to kill us" Klaus said. "Nothing new" Evelyn said.

"You know if you hadn't been so hasty to kill him, we'd be dealing with the devil we know" Klaus told Elijah.

"Spoken by the devil I know best of all" Elijah said. "I take it you have a plan" Klaus said.

"Hopefully it's better than your last one" Evelyn said. "Freya will place a barrier spell on the compound no one gets in or out" Elijah said.

"Like prisoners that's your plan" Evelyn asked. "Oh, so we're to stay here while our enemies seek to resurrect this monstrosity" Klaus said.

"Come on Elijah, I know you can come up with a better plan than that" Evelyn said. "Let me guess you won't be confined here" Klaus said. "I have a little errand to run" Elijah said.

"And while you're off cavorting all over town I'm what grounded" Klaus said.

"Essentially why don't you take out your frustration on that filthy jawbone our enemies seem so fascinated by" Elijah said.

"Great in the meantime I'll go with you so go get Freya to let me out and don't try to talk me out of it you and I both know you could use the help with whatever this errand is" Evelyn said.

"Fine come with me" Elijah said and Evelyn left with Elijah happily.


"That's quite a blade" Elijah said. "Elijah now is not a good time" Vincent said.

"If I were you, I'd play nice it's not like you have a lot of friends" Evelyn told Elijah. "I'm working on which business" Vincent said.

"Well, that would make two of us the ancestors are gone we need a new strategy to keep the hollow at bay" Elijah said.

"The ancestors are not gone we blew up the link that allows them to access this world, but you can't kill what's already dead" Vincent said. "So, we re-establish the link" Elijah said.

"Yeah, how in the world do we do that" Evelyn asked. "The link was forged on a pact between the loving and the dead a ceremonial sacrifice of four young women with this blade" Vincent said.

"I'm quite familiar with the harvest ritual now let us begin" Elijah said.

"Don't talk about what you don't understand Elijah most people I know aren't too keen to give their daughters over to a sacrifice especially when it went so poorly last time harvest ritual takes preparation" Vincent said.

"So, we tell them the truth we have no choice demand the sacrifice" Vincent said. "Elijah" Evelyn started to say when Vincent interrupted.

"I'm not demanding anything of anybody Elijah look I'm working with you because I wanna defeat the hollow alright I don't wanna start a war with the French Quarter Coven" Vincent said and put the chest with the blade inside away.

"No" Vincent said and left. "Well, that could've gone better" Evelyn said.

Elijah took out the box taking the blade out of the chest. "Elijah what are you up to" Evelyn asked concerned. "Forgive me" Elijah said and snapped her neck knowing she would stop him.

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