14) the sire link

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"You daggered Rebekah and you're just telling me now" Freya said to Elijah when Evelyn came in.

"Wait you daggered Rebekah" Evelyn asked Elijah. "No wonder I haven't seen her" Evelyn said.

"She sacrificed herself in order to protect us and to protect her I told Niklaus and I'm telling you no one would've known Rebekah's whereabouts if Aurora had taken my life" Elijah said.

"The prophecy says you three will be felled by friend, family, and foe Rebekah was fallen by family that leaves friend and foe you and Klaus have a lot of foes" Freya said.

"Just one or two" Elijah said. "Thankfully not many friends" Freya said and Klaus came in with a man following him.

"Freya, Evie this is Stefan Salvatore an old friend" Klaus said.

"You were saying" Evelyn said to Freya. "One of my, tickle down sire lings long story Stefan this is Freya my brand-new older sister also a long story" Klaus told Stefan.

"And this is my lovely coyote girlfriend Evelyn, but she prefers Evie and careful she knows how to use a crossbow if you do anything that upsets her" Klaus said and Evelyn glared at Klaus.

"Stefan needs a favor" Klaus said. "You're an old friend are you" Freya asked.

"Well, that kind of depends on your definition" Stefan said. "And here I thought Klaus didn't have any friends aside from Marcel" Evelyn said and Klaus glared at Evelyn.


"So, um full disclosure I dated your sister once" Stefan told Freya. "Rebekah really she dated you really" Evelyn asked Stefan. "I mean sorry, but I just can't see her dating you" Evelyn said.

"While that seems like a great story let's get back to your wound" Freya told Stefan.

"Does look pretty nasty" Evelyn said seeing Stefan's wound.

"A mystical vampire huntress stabbed you with her magic sword Klaus killed her but surprise, surprise" Freya said. "She regenerates" Stefan said.

"And won't rest until you're dead" Freya said. "Right so no matter how far I run this wound acts as a beacon drawing her to me so I guess you could say it's been a bit of a rough week" Stefan said.

"I'd say" Evelyn said. "Well, I can't cure the wound, but this paste will mask its signal" Freya said putting the paste on Stefan's wound.

"Rayna Cruz won't know how to find you just let that dry and you'll be on your merry way" Freya said.

"You know not that I was expecting a parade or anything but why is everyone so eager for me to go" Stefan asked.

Freya and Evelyn looked at each other before looking back at Stefan.

"What's troubling the Mikaelsons" Freya asked. "Well let's see well there's Elijah's super-secret society of ancient vampires one of their more zealous members, an old flame of Elijah's is trying to undo my mother's most powerful spell" Freya said.

"So, you can see why we have no time for old friends" Evelyn said.


"I had no idea that Aya was gonna take Klaus and Elijah down" Marcel told Hayley, Lucien, and Evelyn.

"Well, that's good to know I would have hated to kill your in your sleep" Evelyn said. "And regardless, why are we trusting this guy all of a sudden" Marcel asked.

"He's the one who ran off with Aurora the first chance he got" Marcel said.

"You can hardly fault a man for following his heart and the moment she started raving about firing white oak into Klaus well words were said, hearts broken, veins drained" Lucien said.

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