16) They all asked for you

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"It's time, use our werewolf army Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city the wolves can help us pinpoint their location" Klaus said.

"And who put you in charge" Evelyn asked and Klaus glared at her while she just smiled.

"No, we need all hands-on deck here with Hope you can compel humans to track your enemies" Jackson said. "Don't give him any ideas" Evelyn said.

"Do my ears deceive me or did you just give me an order in my own home" Klaus asked.

"This ain't about your ego Klaus it's about what's best for that little girl" Jackson said. "How dare you question my intentions for my daughter" Klaus asked. "Jack, Klaus is right" Hayley said.

"Never thought I'd hear that from you" Evelyn said.

"Finn's body disappeared from the morgue which means that either he's powerful enough to heal from that explosion or Freya's powerful enough to save him either way we're not finding them unless we send our best people out there" Hayley said.

"But I'm sure you and all your merry men will find them posthaste" Klaus said and Jackson stood up facing him.

"Just to be clear I'm giving this order because Hayley is asking don't think for one second, I take orders from you" Jackson said. "Would you shut up and go" Evelyn asked and Klaus smiled.

"Seems like Evelyn doesn't really like you" Klaus said.


Evelyn was in her room getting changed when Klaus walked in. "Hello, can't you see I'm getting changed" Evelyn asked.

"Nothing I haven't seen before" Klaus said and Evelyn rolled her eyes.

"Fine what do you want" Evelyn asked once she was fully dressed. "Why do I have to need something" Klaus asked and Evelyn looked at him. "Okay you got me" Klaus said.

"What is it sex or something with your brother" Evelyn asked. "I want you to join me to find Finn but speaking of sex" Klaus said.

"Yeah, sure whatever I'll sleep with you when we get back" Evelyn said. "You don't seem interested to have sex" Klaus said. "Well excuse me for being confused about us " Evelyn said.

"Evie there's nothing to be confused about I like you" Klaus said. "Oh, trust me there's plenty to be confused about" Evelyn said and Klaus went to her and kissed her.

Klaus pulled away from the kiss looking at Evelyn. "I like you okay more than you know" Klaus said.

"How am I supposed to believe that if I don't know what we are" Evelyn asked.

"We will resume this later I promise but now we have to go" Klaus said and offers his hand. Evelyn hesitated at first but eventually took Klaus's hand.


"Finn, I know you're here the wolves tell me you've been quite active robbing graves and violating corpses sounds like you" Klaus said.

"You gonna continue to yell out even though you know it's not likely he will come out" Evelyn asked and Klaus rolled his eyes. "Why don't you come out so we can finish this" Klaus asked.

"Hello Niklaus" Finn said and Klaus and Evelyn faced him. "Finally, that was getting old" Evelyn said.

"Such a pedestrian greeting how unfortunate those are to be your last words" Klaus said.

"Your hubris truly knows no bounds" Finn said. "Why am I here" Evelyn asked herself. "You attack a witch in the very place that the ancestors call home" Finn said.

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