3) alive and kicking

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Evelyn had walked into the dining room when she had saw Klaus and Elijah talking. "You took her on a witch hunt" Elijah said. "You took my sister on a witch hunt" Evelyn asked making her way to Klaus.

"I simply wanted to persuade those witches to locate the white oak stake for me when they proved unable to do so I let Hayley have her fun" Klaus said.

"Why does this not surprise me when you don't get your way violence it is and now, you're dragging my sister with you" Evelyn said.

"She grows more savage by the day" Elijah said. "Can you not see she is falling apart" Elijah asked.

"At least they're not avoiding each other anymore" Evelyn said.

"Perhaps the problem is your high standards Hayley is one of us now a vampire only exaggerates what you truly are, and wolves are wild things she knows she can never live up to the pretty little picture you paint of her in your head your judgement only hurts her more" Klaus said.

"Ugh I hate it when you make a point" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled.

"I am trying to help her, and I asked you to help her brother" Elijah said. Klaus had stood up annoyed at Elijah.

"I am helping you should've seen her last night covered in witches' blood and smiling from ear to ear she is embracing this a little less criticism from you and Hayley will be just fine" Klaus said.

"Niklaus the mother of your child deserves much better than just fine you'll take her and Evelyn to the bayou find any remaining wolves perhaps her people can reach her now more than ever she needs a connection to some of her humanity some degree of dignity" Elijah said.

"Okay I agree with you there but" Evelyn said. "Why do I have to go" Evelyn asked. "Perhaps you can help your sister or Niklaus from doing something drastic" Elijah said and left.


Hayley and Evelyn was with Klaus looking for the wolves having no such luck. "I told you this place is deserted" Hayley said.

"She's right so" Evelyn said. "Can we go" Evelyn asked. "No, their scent is fresh they're hiding which means somewhere nearby we will find the remnants of your sister's pack" Klaus said to Evelyn.

"And then what" Hayley asked. "It's not like they're exactly gonna welcome us if there's one thing these people hate more than vampires it's hybrids" Hayley said and Klaus faced the two sisters.</p>

"What they hate is their lack of power hence the willingness of their brethren to deal with that witch in exchange for rings, but she hasn't gotten to your lot yet, so we need to get to them first and assure they align with us" Klaus said.

"Awesome all we gotta do is find them" Hayley said.

"A task I leave to you well go on you're a hybrid now with heightened senses unlike anything under the sun besides me" Klaus said and Hayley started to concentrate.

Hayley had stopped and looked at Klaus before walking away. "This is stupid" Hayley said.

"Your people need a leader" Klaus said and Hayley faced him. "Well, that's one way to get her attention" Evelyn said.

"You are their queen" Klaus said. "I am a mess I cry all day I feed all night all I can think about is how much I miss my daughter" Hayley said and Klaus walked towards her.

"Do you think you're alone in that pain" Klaus asked. "Have you even thought about her once" Hayley asked.

"I have not stopped thinking about her when it pains me, I seem comfort in the idea of what I will do to those who would harm her" Klaus said and Evelyn looked at him feeling something stir in her stomach.

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