5) bonding

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"Okay why are we here and why did you bring me with you" Evelyn asked. "Figured you like a day out of the house" Klaus said

"Or you just don't have many friends and don't want to be alone" Evelyn said.

"Why now what's really going on" Evelyn asked. "I found out where a runaway witch who has my father is and you're coming with" Klaus said.

"Your father the one who nearly killed you" Evelyn asked. "I see Hayley filled you in" Klaus said. "Yeah somewhat" Evelyn said.

"Good you'll need to be caught up to speed" Klaus said and Evelyn rolled her eyes. "So many things I rather be doing right now" Evelyn said.


"Wait in the car you said I'll be right back you said" Klaus said to Evelyn who was sitting at the bar. "Excuse me for needing a break from your voice" Evelyn said.

"Did I not sufficiently explain the urgency of this endeavor" Klaus asked.

"Okay tough guy you're the one who dragged me along to your stupid revenge fantasy of yours so excuse me if I need to take the edge off before the killing spree begins when I would rather be in my room painting or practicing my fighting then helping you with your daddy issues you are free to join me" Evelyn said.

"So that's your plan is it ply me with alcohol then prattle on me until I'm convinced to leave the witch Davina and Mikael to plot my death or is it so you can get me drunk and naked while we have sex" Klaus asked.

"You wish but I'm a pretty good listener you and I both know you could have gone alone but instead you dragged me along so spill your guts while I'm here like I said I'm a great listener besides you and I both know you could have dragged me out of here but didn't" Evelyn said and Klaus took a seat next to Evelyn.

"So, tell me why you want to kill your dear ole dad then let's chat" Evelyn said and Klaus took a drink.


"My mother's intentions are far less savage than my father's she'd prefer to place us all in new bodies thereby reuniting our family in a bizarre coven of extremely dysfunctional witches" Klaus said.

"You as a witch yeah I don't see it ugh gross" Evelyn said. "I grow fonder of you by the second" Klaus said.

"You gonna kill your mother" Evelyn asked. "If only I could but there lies my predicament if I kill her, she'll just jump into another body now if I somehow manage to thwart that nasty little inconvenience, she'll rejoin the bloody witch ancestors and haunt me from beyond while quite possibly taking you with her but right now Mikael has the white oak stake he needs to die first" Klaus said.

"But you're unarmed" Evelyn said. "Who says I was unarmed" Klaus said and shown the weapon he had.

"Better than nothing I guess well let's go" Evelyn said. "Wait don't you want to hear more" Klaus asked.

"No, I believe you will do the right thing come on" Evelyn said and left with Klaus following her.


Later Klaus and Evelyn had arrived back at the manor. Evelyn stayed in the car when Klaus went after Mikael trusting he will make the right decision.

They stayed silent the entire ride back to the manor. "So was I right did you make the right decision" Evelyn asked.

"Yes, I didn't kill him, but the knife is inside him torturing him, so he doesn't kill me or you for that matter" Klaus said.

"I knew you would do the right thing" Evelyn said and Klaus smiled at her. "By the way don't let anger control your heart you have to let go of the bad to let in the good" Evelyn said and Klaus looked at her. She smiled at him before going upstairs.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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