17) dinner with Freya

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Klaus and Evelyn were at the dinner table waiting for Freya to show up when Elijah walked in.

"Bout time" Evelyn said. "There you are finally" Klaus said. "I was delayed" Elijah said. "Our guest of honor will be here momentarily" Klaus said.

"Strange the house is conspicuously absent of our lupine guests I do hope it wasn't on my account" Elijah said.

"Don't worry it's not" Evelyn said. "I sent Hayley and her husband off to spend the day with their werewolf brethren to test the limits of their new abilities leaving me to deal with family business as I see fit" Klaus said.

"And I'm here because well free food" Evelyn said. "Niklaus, Rebekah's situation has taken a turn" Elijah said.

"Wait what" Evelyn said. "We may need Freya's assistance so whatever you're planning here don't" Elijah said. "You're no fun" Evelyn told Elijah.

"All I'm planning is a simple chat with a long lost relative you yourself said to hear her out" Klaus said.

"And you yourself said that would be idiocy" Elijah said. "Did I" Klaus asked. "Well that does sound like me" Klaus said.

"I swear I would leave if I didn't like food so much" Evelyn said.

"Regardless on the off-chance Freya has some information that could protect my daughter I prefer she share it on my terms Ah I think I hear her now" Klaus said and turned around.

"Sister well come in, come in make yourself comfortable" Klaus said.

"If you don't get on with the food, I will kill you and I don't mean figuratively" Evelyn said to Klaus.


"This witch hoop it's danish" Freya said while Evelyn was happily eating. "Is it from when you all lived in Copenhagen in the 1500s" Freya asked.

"Well maybe those two I just came back to life and all so haven't been around much" Evelyn said.

"Quite the eye" Klaus said. "Forgive me are we here to discuss family heirlooms or do we have more pressing concerns" Elijah asked.

"Please excuse my brother's lack of decorum he's been in a foul mood of late, but he is right I did ask you here in the hopes that you would share some of Dahila's secrets so without further ado let's get to it" Klaus said and Freya looked at Evelyn.

"I know you" Freya said. "What" Evelyn said. "You have your father written all over you" Freya said. "You knew my father" Evelyn asked.

"No but I know your family they tried to help me escape" Freya said and sat down.

"The first thing you should know is that Dahlia is the most powerful witch I have ever seen, and she craves more power still" Freya said and looked at Evelyn with a knowing look.

"Right now, she is like me limited to one year of life in a century, but she wants to be free of that restriction to gain true immortality and that is why she will come here drawn not only by your daughter but Evelyn as well to take their power for herself and she will kill anyone who would defy her" Freya said.

"Wait Evelyn she's human " Elijah said and Evelyn sighed. "That is not entirely true" Evelyn said. "What do you mean" Elijah asked.

"The day the vampires were trapped in the manor and were out of control I went unconscious randomly and I saw my father" Evelyn said and Klaus and Elijah looked at her.

"He told me something" Evelyn said. "What did he say" Klaus asked.

"I'm not human and whatever I am Dahila wants my power" Evelyn said. "You have no idea" Elijah asked. "No not yet" Evelyn said.

"And yet you would defy her" Elijah said to Freya going back to Dahlia. "I don't have a choice she will never let me be free my one chance is to align with you and kill her" Freya said.

"Well now that we're all suitably motivated let's talk specifics" Klaus said.

"For you to understand I need to start from the beginning after taking me from my family Dahlia used me to force a new brand of connective magic one that augmented my power even as it allowed her to draw from me once we were bonded Dahlia became unstoppable she wasted no time proving her might the chief of a nearby village threatened to run us off accusing Dahlia of witchcraft she decided to make an example out of the entire encampment men, women, children she killed them all with a wave of her hand that was my first inkling of the power that Dahlia had over the course of a thousand years she's only grown stronger and she will bring all her powerful to bear against you when she comes for your child" Freya said and Elijah's phone rang.

"Excuse me" Elijah said and answered the phone. "Rebekah how are you feeling" Elijah asked over the phone.

"Well, this is fun and all, but I have to get back to my research" Evelyn said and left quickly.


Evelyn was in her room when she heard a knock on her door. Evelyn turned to see Freya at the door. "Freya come in" Evelyn said and Freya did.</p>

"Quite a lot of books there" Freya said seeing all the books Evelyn had.

"Yeah, I been nonstop reading anything to help me discover what I am" Evelyn said and Freya sighed. "Look I don't know what you are but if you want to activate that side of you, I would be careful, but I can tell you if that's what you want" Freya said.

"Activate it what does that mean" Evelyn asked and Freya's sighed.

"In order to activate your supernatural side, you have to die" Freya said. "What but I already came back to life" Evelyn said.

"You have to be a certain age it's all very confusing, but I would be careful because it doesn't always work" Freya said.

"So, you're telling me that if I want to embrace my supernatural side that I have to die again and if it works, I'll be brought back to life but if it doesn't, I'll be dead again" Evelyn asked. "Afraid so" Freya said.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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