2) Rebirth

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It has been months since Klaus, Hayley, Evelyn, and Elijah last seen Hope. Hayley and Klaus were taking it the hardest.

Hayley who was now a newly born hybrid was still adjusting to her new status where Evelyn had started practicing her fighting due to being back from the dead as she needed to work on her strength. Klaus had stayed to himself painting mostly.

Elijah had found Evelyn and went towards her. "Maybe it's time for a break" Elijah said.

A break really look Elijah you may have not known about me, and I may be new to this little family but" Evelyn said.

"Do you really think a break is going to bring not only your but my niece back" Evelyn asked.

"It will keep you from hurting yourself don't make me use my vampire strength I do care about Hayley, and I also care about you, and it will hurt Hayley knowing your overworking yourself" Elijah said.

"Hayley look Elijah all Hayley cares about right now is revenge and getting her daughter back and who could blame her" Evelyn said.

"She cares about you too it's hard not to see the love she has for you come with me please" Elijah said and Evelyn sighed before giving in. "Fine" Evelyn said and followed Elijah.


Elijah and Evelyn had found Klaus, painting along with the mess that was on the floor. Elijah had found a seat for Evelyn, and he had motioned for her to sit before picking up a canvas from the floor.

Evelyn had sat where Elijah told her to, knowing he wasn't going to budge unless she took a break.

"I suppose we shall have to call this your white period" Elijah said. "I'm missing a crucial color in my palette that of my enemy's blood" Klaus said.

"Well, I recommend a Venetian red with a dash of rust" Elijah said. "Yeah, like that would help" Evelyn said.

"It's been months I have adhered to our plan sit and do nothing sell our grief and now my child is safely away, and another full moon is upon us another night of pathetic weakness as the moonlight ring steal my strength the inertia is killing me, I need to act I, I, I need, I need to spill blood" Klaus said.

"Well then you'll be pleased to know that I've located the last of the 12 rings forged with your blood" Elijah said. "Then it's time" Klaus said.

"And none too soon I'm concerned about Hayley and Evelyn here as well" Elijah said. "You worry too much" Evelyn said.

"She looks well enough" Klaus said. "She looks no better than you, brother" Elijah said.

"What you expect that it be all rainbows and flowers they sent their child away give them a break" Evelyn said.

"Now if the two of you would treat each other as more than passing acquaintances" Elijah said.

"She has you to help her and Evelyn" Klaus said. "She had barely spoken a word to her sister since she came back from the dead and sadly like the father of her child, she prefers to fight her demons alone" Elijah said.

Elijah had given Evelyn a sketch pad from inside his jacket as the two had saw.

"I believe this is yours Hayley might have mentioned a couple months ago that you're quite the artist" Elijah said. "Brother do keep an eye on her so she doesn't overwork herself keep her company till I return" Elijah said and left.

Evelyn rolled her eyes before opening her sketchbook grabbing her pencil that she seen Elijah grabbed for her and started drawing not knowing Klaus looking at her with a small smile.

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