7) God's gonna trouble the water

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Hope suddenly gasped awake and looked around. "Mom" Hope said. "Hope" Freya said once she realized she was awake. "Mom" Hope said. "I'm here" Freya said standing up.

"What happened where is she" Hope asked. "Breathe you're safe now" Freya told her.

"Where's my mom" Hope asked causing the lights to flicker and Freya made her way to Hope and sat on her bed.

"She's gone" Freya said. "No, no, no" Hope said and Freya hugged her as Hope cried.

Hope suddenly pulled away after thinking about Evelyn. "Wait how's Aunt Evie" Hope asked, and Freya sighed. "Follow me" Freya said and led Hope to where Evelyn was.

Hope saw Evelyn laid on a bed seeing tears slowly escape her eyes. "Aunt Evie" Hope said and sat in the bed.

Evelyn sat up wiped her tears and faced Hope. "Hey, sleeping beauty" Evelyn said slightly smiling.

"Aunt Evie I didn't mean for this to happen I didn't I just wanted our family back together" Hope said. "I know and it's okay I promise this is not your fault okay it's Greta's" Evelyn said.

"I'm sorry" Hope said. "Stop apologizing it's not your fault okay" Evelyn said and hugged Hope.

Freya slowly left them letting them have a moment.


Evelyn's phone rang and she answered it. "Klaus" Evelyn said. "How are you" Klaus asked.

"I just lost my sister someone I have loved all my life, but I'll manage besides I'm not important right now Hope is" Evelyn said.

"I wish I could be there for you; you know actually be there" Klaus said.

"I know but you can't besides you can't be there for me today regardless Hope needs you more" Evelyn said.

"Evie" Klaus said. "Klaus, I mean it okay I'll be fine" Evelyn said. "Okay I love you" Klaus said. "I love you too" Evelyn said and hung up.


"Where's dad" Hope asked. "He'll be here soon he's just waiting on Ivy to help him with the Astral projection" Freya said.

"And everyone else" Hope asked. "Marcel should be here, Vincent" Evelyn said and noticed Josh.

"There's Josh" Evelyn said. "What about Declan" Hope asked. "Please tell me you called him" Evelyn said to Freya.

"I left him tons of messages but got no response" Evelyn said. "He's in Ireland I was so focused on everyone else" Freya said. "Oh my god Freya" Hope said.

"I'll fix it" Freya said. The band started playing and they all started to move. "This is all wrong she didn't even know all these people" Hope said.

"Your mom made a mark on this city everyone's here to honor her" Freya said.

"She would've hated this" Evelyn said. "Where are all of her friends" Hope asked looking around. "Marcel where are you" Freya asked after calling him.

"I'm with Vincent there's something we gotta take care of cover for us" Marcel said. "Cover for you what are you doing" Freya asked. 

After talking to Marcel Freya hung up the phone. "Josh" Evelyn yelled once she saw Emmett and the vampires. "Evelyn, Freya" Klaus said once he made his way to them. "Klaus" Freya said. 

Suddenly Klaus disappeared after he heard what Emmett and the vampires said.  Evelyn and Freya made their way to Hope.

"Hope we gotta get out of here" Freya said. "No" Hope said. "Hope come on" Evelyn said.

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