5) another sire

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Evelyn was with Elijah and Klaus mainly to stop any fight of theirs, if necessary, when they started discussing their sires.

"So, my first sired wants to kill you yours wants to kill me it makes you regret turning any vampires in the first place" Klaus said.

"Well, the division of labor seems crystal clear two of them two of us" Elijah said and saw a woman on the floor. "Well, that's one way to send a message" Evelyn said.

Klaus bent down to the girl and gave the note to Elijah.

"Roses are red lavender is blue come find me before I find you" Elijah said. "Who sent this" Evelyn asked and looked at the note before Elijah gave it to Klaus who stood up and Elijah bent down to the girl.

"Who's Aurora" Evelyn asked. "Someone from my past centuries ago" Klaus said.

"Someone you loved" Evelyn said and nodded before bending down to Elijah. "Evie" Klaus started to say.

"It's fine Klaus we're not together anymore remember" Evelyn said and Klaus sighed before looking at the note. "I remember her a better poet" Klaus said.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that this is lacking in poetry" Elijah said. "She wants us to find her so let's" Klaus said putting the note down.

"Are you so eager Niklaus" Elijah asked. "Last time you even said her name was 1,000 years ago when you told me never to speak it again in your presence" Elijah said.

"So, I'm to wait as she leaves her little calling cards all over my home" Klaus said. "There's something you should know" Elijah said.

"Oh no do I need to break up a fight" Evelyn asked. "When mother seized control of my mind unleashing those monstrosities that lurk behind the red door, I saw something" Elijah said and stood up.

"I have a feeling this isn't gonna end well" Evelyn said. "Aurora was there" Elijah said.

"If you mean to confess a thousand-year-old secret that will divide us after our hard-won reconciliation then te absolvo brother there is nothing you could have done involving her that would be worse than what she did to me" Klaus said.

"Please do not dismiss this" Elijah said. "Whatever it is it can wait we have a plate of here and now problems, and I mean to clear it if it makes you feel any better, we can kill Aurora together then neither of us need play her little mind games ever again hmm" Klaus said and left.

"Okay whatever it is your hiding you better hope Aurora doesn't tell him" Evelyn said.


"You put on a quite a show" Elijah said going into Evelyn's room seeing her reading.

"Elijah" Evelyn said and looked at him. "What show are you talking about" Evelyn asked.

"Pretending it's not killing you not being with my brother" Elijah said. "Yeah, well you know the saying fake it till you make it" Evelyn said.

"Evie, I know Klaus has his faults and he does a lot of things that make you question why you love him, but he does love you" Elijah said.

"He loved Aurora whoever that is" Evelyn said. "Okay look he may have loved Aurora, but I never seen my brother so in love with someone the way he is with you" Elijah said.

"Doesn't matter we broke up" Evelyn said. "Because you were hurt what he did to your sister, and I know for a fact if you wanted him back, he would never let go" Elijah said.

"Maybe" Evelyn said. "He would he loves you Evie more than anything" Elijah said.


Evelyn went out for some fresh air when she bumped into someone. "Ugh it's you" Evelyn said seeing Tristan.

"Evelyn the werecoyote" Tristan said. "Wow he's smart oh wait I don't care" Evelyn said.

"Wow you are exactly like Klaus described maybe that's why he can't seem to shut up about you" Tristan said.

"Funny you say words  like you think I care" Evelyn said. "I could kill you" Tristan said.

"You could try but I'm pretty sure your master wouldn't like that to much" Evelyn said. "You don't want to test me love" Tristan said.

"Never call me that and too late I already am now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere else I rather be that doesn't have you in it" Evelyn said and left.


"Niklaus would you kindly return my call" Elijah said to the phone before hanging up and Evelyn went to Elijah. "Still nothing" Evelyn asked.

"No what about you" Elijah asked and Evelyn shook her head.

"Marcellus talk to me" Elijah said sensing his presence. "Yep, we got a problem" Marcel said and Elijah and Evelyn faced him.

"What kind of problem" Evelyn asked. "My guy stayed on Tristan's tail all day followed him to this place called the Candide Royale he goes in never comes out so he's obviously using it as a way to get to somewhere else" Marcel said.

"How and where" Elijah asked. "The building has hidden passageways leading out the back now bootleggers used them in the 20s to run booze to a secret storehouse on Dauphine and you'll never guess who just bought that storehouse" Marcel said.

"Who" Evelyn asked. "Kingmaker Land Development owned by one Lucien Castle now that sure isn't a coincidence either they're brokering some kind of truce" Marcel said.

"Or they been working together the whole time" Elijah said and Marcel nodded.


Klaus walked into Evelyn's room seeing her painting.

"You gonna kick me out" Evelyn asked and Klaus went to her. "No of course not besides I would never forgive myself if I put my favorite werecoyote on the streets" Klaus said and Evelyn gave him a small smile.

"Did you know" Klaus asked Evelyn. "No of course not" Evelyn said, and Klaus nodded.

Klaus looked at Evelyn's painting and smiled. "I always loved your work" Klaus said and Evelyn faked a smile "How's Aurora" Evelyn asked. "Evie" Klaus said.

"Klaus, I want you happy okay I do and if that means being with Aurora then do it okay, I still care about you okay more than you know I mean I love" Evelyn said and stopped herself.

"You what were you about to say that you" Klaus asked. "It's nothing okay I just got caught up in my feelings" Evelyn said.

"Evie" Klaus said. "Klaus it doesn't matter anymore besides you love Aurora right not me" Evelyn said.

"You can't believe that" Klaus said. "It's getting late I should get to bed" Evelyn said.

Klaus sighed before leaving and Evelyn finished her painting before going to bed.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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